Archive of ‘Life’ category

These Days….

On October 12 of 2012 I   suffered a massive stroke at the age of twenty eight I personally  have found very little in the way of other young survivors except Nina from Boston who has a great quirky blog whom also had a stroke but at an even younger age of twenty six,check it out here—-—->POP! I plan on sharing my story of rehabilitation and fighting the good fight to regain what was lost,please feel free to share and/or contact me( with any questions or ideas/stories,Thanks for reading!!

Cheers!Picture 80

Why I need to read more Wild(WILDE)

Clara Bow-Wings-circa 1927

“How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who  insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.”
Oscar Wilde

ha, Exactly. In other words don’t treat her like everyone else. She is special.. durp. Here is another gem:

“I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the  most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of  what it is to be a human being.”
-Oscar  Wilde


“I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single  word of what I am saying.”
Oscar  Wilde

——> More Quotes Here <———

I seriously nearly forgot how much I love Oscar Wilde, even though sometimes I find him arrogant he also has some great one liners. Today I found myself having a bit of the blues so….I decided to wander the Village (Greenwich) in search of ghosts. Perhaps if I looked hard enough a little of old New York would find me through an old relic or perhaps while sitting in a Cafe the ghosts of days gone by would send a little of their sweet energy my way. Cafe Wha? Being an everlasting monument to the days of yore. I could imagine the people who once filled the sidewalks late at night and wandered as I did, contemplating what it all means or just having a rip-roaring good time.

In a way, perhaps it was the combination of the damp chilly weather, nostalgia and reading semi-depressing literature that made me want to find these ghosts to extract some sort of feeling, of total self-expression, rock n’ roll, freedom and dark-eyed brooding. I wanted to time warp to when New York was something people still wrote about in books. The musical legends, the poets, the writers, the artists. That is the New York I fell in love with. So today I went searching for a little bit of it, if only whats left are cobble stones and pictures, whispers that drift in the wind.

I was reminded of my not too far off youth spent smoking clove cigarettes (they were black after all) and spending time in little indie cafe’s trying to decode what the hell James Joyce was talking about and/or day dreaming of being a heavy handed kohl eyed literary genius or simply Audrey Hepburn in her Beatnik garb in Paris dancing a perfectly choreographed piece “spontaneously.”  Then again I was supposed to start a garage band too….

This was the mood I was in so I was especially fond of this pop up shop I discovered in the Village that had a nice little array of somewhat dark material, I managed to grab a business card, worth a look-see below:

Nature, little skeletons, splash dyed shoes, and light boxes of ships, wolves and owls… what’s not to love ?! There was also a little stand full of spooky necklaces that a couple had made with found objects and things from archeological digs, dating back to the 1800’s ! They were also sourced locally, Brooklyn, Manhattan, etc.. It was old and very much the type of relic I sought after.. I imagined by having it around my neck I could physically melt a little bit of history into my skin and carry it with me, some substance of an old city. I’ll have to go back for that one… Amongst the little gems I came across I also found a tiny store front painted in neon that was all Lebowski themed! Yes. It does exist and you can order online.

In my search for all things past and surprises present I was reminded of how much I love collecting old photographs of strangers and postcards too, especially ones written in beautiful penmanship no longer taught in school, to their family members or lovers. Love Letters and war-time letters are my favorites. They’re endearing, sometimes funny, sometimes sad.  You can find piles of these discarded memories and people in antique shops, leftovers from photography studios or someones attic. I enjoyed making up stories about what they might have been like and what their lives consisted of. I’ve always found it interesting how people can be fooled by illusions. A pretty face can obscure something ugly and vica versa… as cliché’ as it may sound beauty really is only skin deep so you better like whats inside the package as well.Unless you only care about pomp and circumstance. I like to skim more than just the surface.

Being a woman of 28, sadly I realize we exist in a world that increasingly seems to equate beauty with only youth in women …it goes backwards away from you as time lurches forward (Turns out you can apply moisturizer excessively but cannot stop the hands of Father time from creeping forward, I digress) I’d like to think somewhere there is an island, a society possibly *gasp* (or a Dove Beauty Campaign lol) that still values and celebrates us (and fantasizes! duh.) after we are no longer teenagers for christs sake. In a seemingly hyper sexualized environment that makes youth the ruler by which we all have to measure … Sometimes the immaturity of it all is disconcerting…..A flower is beautiful in full bloom but… I mean c’mon…. Is there any left…Guys? Robots?!? Aliens from Mars??.. Anyone?!!?… in this world that still find 20 somethings (and 30ish lol) more fuckable and interesting over youngins’ ?… ugh. alas. pardon my french, mon amis. I’ll just be over here in a cafe plotting world take over in frustration with the other (might I add…smokin’ hot ! Yowza ! haha..) “Grandmas” …  haha..Meh. I’m moving to another planet. And now…For your viewing pleasure ….a pile of wrinkles ! Nooooo ! ….on an adorable little creature… see below 🙂  Almost fooled ya! It was totally almost a picture of the Queen of England. wah wah.

While I didn’t fully accomplish my goal of finding a hookah bar and sipping tea whilst contemplating the universe, the point of it all?? and reading this current book I have … a tragedy so far.. (the heroine is just so heavy.. perhaps I should construct my own novel, or novella with a main character full of lightness …. yes? ) I did however indulge in some peppermint tea and vegan tacos at a small eatery and people watched. (Delicious in case you were wondering..)

Before my walk back to the train I briefly stopped in front of a palm readers shop and contemplated going in… I wanted the woman inside to reveal some hidden secret, or amazing future predictions or at least just tell me that I was okay. That somewhere in this shallow pond, deep thinkers and wise Men still existed en masse. I decided against it though and crammed the $10 back into the pocket of my faded black jeans. I’ll save it for another chilly damp New York City day.

I leave you with this parting gift:




Even in the centuries which appear to us to be the most  monstrous and foolish, the immortal appetite for beauty has always found satisfaction.
-Charles  Baudelaire

It is the nature of the wise to resist pleasures, but the foolish to be a slave to them.

******CHEERS !******

Je suis ……

You know those times when you forget who you are?? Perhaps you have let outside influences bug you a little too much or let someone else’s issues effect you… well… FUUUCKKK THAT ! Time to Rebel, against anything and everything that brings you down pretty babies.

I aim for a few simple things in life and most if not all in the pursuit of happiness, and I only wish I knew then what I knew now… right? cliche but true. I only feel more beautiful and confident as the years fly by and certainly I find my armour gets pierced a lot less by others because I just don’t let it anymore. I simply cannot fret, I have one singular vision and that remains to stay true to myself and never pretend to be anything else.. if you aren’t yourself or afraid to speak up, your not being authentic with yourself or others.

I have been on an intermittant haitus from this blog and quite neglectful… soon this will be a more regular outlet and a positive one at that, because what is inside flows outwardly. So in short, don’t fill your head with garbage. Don’t let other people sneak it in when your not looking either. There are some sneaky ones out there… but hold on one second, I’m not here to bitch and moan, lest we forget the importance of…..


Because of course thats what I really am talking about… (kidding)

October promises to be a busy month but full of great things, besides Halloween !! and the wonderful Fall weather in NYC (My favorite time of the year) I have a few events occurring I can’t wait to share with you all. I realize my message on here lately has been lacking as well as activity so I thought it only appropriate I annouce a resurgence. You can expect some upcoming posts on:

Soulcycle and why it killed my Soul (and fat cells)

NYC Comicon 2012

BLOGCADEMY !! A Two Day Adventure with 29 other women( And no this is not a lesbian porn or a team building excercise.)

Juicing-the fountain of youth.

So if your interested at all in health, comic books, learning new skills to pay the billz… then please join me for the ride. (=

Until then Ladies the only kind of purse I endorse and indeed think  you should purchase this year is this:

You don’t even HAVE to hide a flask anymore, your purse IS the flask.!!. BRILLIANT!

And a few words of unwarranted advice upon parting.. Never ever compare yourself to other people unless of course its someone you look up to or someone who has achieved a desired goal, then compare yourself if only to know your going to do it even better (;

Also I must say one of my BIGGEST peeves is …”Well everyone else does it…” or “But most people…”   Please… do you want to be like everyone else??  Great, have fun in that overcrowded box. Don’t subscribe to mediocrity. Think for yourself.

Cheers as always and I leave you with some cool record covers and a song of course. (=


A little romance with a little French.. LOVE.

Posted in Life // Comments Off on Je suis ……

Je suis ……

You know those times when you forget who you are?? Perhaps you have let outside influences bug you a little too much or let someone else’s issues effect you… well… FUUUCKKK THAT ! Time to Rebel, against anything and everything that brings you down pretty babies.

I aim for a few simple things in life and most if not all in the pursuit of happiness, and I only wish I knew then what I knew now… right? cliche but true. I only feel more beautiful and confident as the years fly by and certainly I find my armour gets pierced a lot less by others because I just don’t let it anymore. I simply cannot fret, I have one singular vision and that remains to stay true to myself and never pretend to be anything else.. if you aren’t yourself or afraid to speak up, your not being authentic with yourself or others.

I have been on an intermittant haitus from this blog and quite neglectful… soon this will be a more regular outlet and a positive one at that, because what is inside flows outwardly. So in short, don’t fill your head with garbage. Don’t let other people sneak it in when your not looking either. There are some sneaky ones out there… but hold on one second, I’m not here to bitch and moan, lest we forget the importance of…..


Because of course thats what I really am talking about… (kidding)

October promises to be a busy month but full of great things, besides Halloween !! and the wonderful Fall weather in NYC (My favorite time of the year) I have a few events occurring I can’t wait to share with you all. I realize my message on here lately has been lacking as well as activity so I thought it only appropriate I annouce a resurgence. You can expect some upcoming posts on:

Soulcycle and why it killed my Soul (and fat cells)

NYC Comicon 2012

BLOGCADEMY !! A Two Day Adventure with 29 other women( And no this is not a lesbian porn or a team building excercise.)

Juicing-the fountain of youth.

So if your interested at all in health, comic books, learning new skills to pay the billz… then please join me for the ride. (=

Until then Ladies the only kind of purse I endorse and indeed think  you should purchase this year is this:

You don’t even HAVE to hide a flask anymore, your purse IS the flask.!!. BRILLIANT!

And a few words of unwarranted advice upon parting.. Never ever compare yourself to other people unless of course its someone you look up to or someone who has achieved a desired goal, then compare yourself if only to know your going to do it even better (;

Also I must say one of my BIGGEST peeves is …”Well everyone else does it…” or “But most people…”   Please… do you want to be like everyone else??  Great, have fun in that overcrowded box. Don’t subscribe to mediocrity. Think for yourself.

Cheers as always and I leave you with some cool record covers and a song of course. (=


A little romance with a little French.. LOVE.

Mamas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow up to be— Peter Pan??

It’s been called a lot of things, but more recently I heard the tag line, “The Peter Pan Syndrome.” You know…NeverNeverLand, The Lost Boys ( also a great 80’s movie), Pirates and Indians?? Personally I always wanted to live there, when I was younger I used to have a re-occurring dream that I was running down the street trying to take flight with the North Star straight ahead of me but I could never quite get far enough off the ground. Needless to say it was such a let down because I wanted to fly there so bad and not to be Wendy but one of the Lost Boys -to paint my face and howl like a wolf and laugh all day-

So this idea is now being supplanted to describe today’s current 20-somethings, male and female but mostly the males.


Living in NYC this seems to be an even larger complaint that I have heard from women, that they just cannot find anyone. I’m sure there are many reasons for this (standards, self respect i.e. quit just hooking up idiots if you want QUALITY !!, and I’m sure just plain immature “men”) So how did this whole thing occur? Bad Economy? A generation of children spawned from divorce and/or broken families that set a bad example of how great such things could be?? Frat houses??( lol) Well I found numerous articles, but only one that really put it well and I think without a ton of speculation, just written by some guy that grew up with a strong male figure ( Link Here).

Yes it is so hard to find a good guy.

Yes it seems women’s biological clocks are going crazy and because were hard wired –like birds know when and how to fly south magically– our bodies also know the expiration date for having kids (this I attribute to the fact that nature/the universe/god, whatever you call it, knows how to implement mechanisms to keep a population going and simply pregnancy is too tough/dangerous for a non-youngish women to go thru) and guys are hard wired to be hunters/providers (and if a guy doesn’t feel stable enough to take care of you.. well.. long live the bachelor life I guess?? They are more logic based so obviously its smart to be stable first but we are emotions based so we don’t wanna wait lol)

Were made to work together, its plain as day. If outside circumstances somehow throw this dance out of balance it just makes it harder to choreograph, doesn’t it ?? If women become crazy feminists that slowly wreak havoc on chivalry or the “traditional” roles men used to fill.. Listen I’m all for independence and equal pay but I’m talking about the women that take it so far as to create a massive shift in the male female relations as to create a negative environment, lets face it, not all of you want babies and marriage but I’ll be damned if I haven’t met one women YET who is truly, truly adverse to that, so what better way not to get those things then to be promiscuous and become some sort of man hater, ya that’s gonna get you there..

I actually sat in on a conversation of male co-workers once recounting all the bad experiences they have had with women like this. One in particular commented on how he rushed to open the door for this woman who had her hands full of groceries and bags (therefore no extra hand available to open the door) and she actually yelled at him “I can do it myself!!” She sat down the bags and opened the door, shoved them in with her foot and then picked them back up. He stated that was the last time he would open a door for a lady.


All I have to say is if you aren’t true to your hearts desires it creates havoc. Some women were told its weak to want to be a house wife or want house wifey things or let a man help/support them, I call bullshit. Meanwhile I hear career women and non-career types alike with the SAME complaints. Geezus.

Here is a thought: Accept help when its offered if you need it. Stop being permiscuous and actually demand more. Be true to your hearts desires. You can’t do everything, no really, you can’t, its nice to be ambitious and try but its not likely you’ll achieve status of “I am a rock. I am an Island.” (which is also a song btw)

No man is an Island.

As far as the Peter Pans, well, a shitty economy makes for less stability which makes for a slower “I want to settle down” atmosphere. Also since its true many many people had a less then traditional or stable upbringing it does make it difficult for they, themselves to want to take those steps. I get it, I didn’t have a great example of a relationship either but I did learn the things you should do. Were all scared, we don’t want shitty relationships man. Not to mention a study I read about recently that found that in popular media happy marriages are shown scarcely, (obviously girl movies will always be around) but in general television, ads, etc… it doesn’t portray happy healthy families all that much. None of these things exactly help.

I think we all need to grow up in so many ways  that popular culture doesn’t exactly nurture. Women and Men were made to fit together yet it seems to me that a lot of “worldly” (as in fleeting empty things, money-sex-negativity) things in the modern world make that fitting a lot harder to find. I call not for more marriages and babies but for a realization of all people to right the wrongs and be better then our examples, whatever they were (parents, popular media/culture etc) because clearly a lot of people are not happy or fully satisfied. I believe a sense of purpose and stability can actually lead to happiness, and that intimacy (REAL intimacy) in a relationship is worth far more then the 10,15,20,30,40 hot girls or guys you could sleep with (God help you if you reach those numbers..) and so many of us (humans) are selling ourselves short. Please take off the blinders and see the possibilities. I think all people, male or female simply want the things that love and/or family can offer. YEARS of being behind a bar and hearing old men recount their regrets in never marrying the one they should have or could have.. and women dating around losing hope in finding a good man.. its pretty obvious we all need love, so why as a culture do we keep sabotaging it??

A band whose singer I believe is a deep thinker and a good lyricist, that looks up to Bob Dylan (always a good sign of talent lol) penned these lyrics,although repetitive but true..

Blame it on what you’ve been through
Blame it on what you’re into
Blame it on your religions
Blame it on politicians
We’ve been blowing up
We’re the issue
It’s our condition
We’ve been blowing up
We’re the issue
Our detonation
We’ve been blowing up
We’re the issue
We’re ammunition
We’re ammunition
We’re ammunition
We are the fuse and ammunition
I have no generation
Show me my motivation
One world one desperation
One hope and one salvation
Look what a mess we’ve made of love
Look what a mess we’ve made
We’ve got ourselves to blame
Look what a bomb we made of love

Dear Friends, I hope you all find your loves. We deserve so much more then what we are offered by this world, so take it back and make it better.



P.s. I know that I may get a lot of responses from those of you that have differing opinions about this or plain just don’t agree, while I appreciate and want to hear from you, all I ask is that we all keep it a respectful and productive discussion. I want to hear your thoughts, lets bounce our ideas around.


Happy Saturday ! I just returned from a nice week of work (believe it!) I got to go to sunny California and catch up on my vitamin D intake.. it was a nice change of scenery, however the flight time I could do without … At any rate I did get some reading done. I wandered and wandered Laguardia Airport and I came across Pattie Smith’s Just Kids …. I never got into her as an artist but I have to say after reading this book I was impressed, it’s a sad and beautiful tale of two people that really loved each other *sigh*

Truth be told I cried at the end on the way back from California…on the plane in total obscurity among a sea of strangers. I can only hope to have such a love story with another human being, I really liked the fact that they fueled each others creativity in the best of times and more importantly worst of times. If you enjoy or adore any of the old NY artists and beat writers you MUST read this.

In other news… While in California I recalled a haunting dream that I haven’t been able to shake. My Mother always half joked that as I got older I would figure out all the things she screwed up.. well not too long ago I had a vivd dream, I was looking/watching myself as a child, perfect and untainted by the world and so full of potential. I got the overwhelming unspoken feeling/sense that this little girl could have anything and everything. I was smiling and laughing next to my Mother who was bent down lower to be near my plane of view. We were exceptionally happy there, next to one another. Then the dream was punctuated by a voice, not in my own voice either. All it communicated was a single sentence “Your Mother made you insecure.”

Since then I have been working out and filling in all the holes of where this has negatively effected me in life and it has pretty much everywhere, from my romantic choices or pursuits throughout the years right down to me wanting to go to Art School. It got me to thinking that I need to correct this, I have gotten better but that dream… Wow. This brings me to my point. There is a beauty company that makes great little products and in nicely designed packaging I discovered years ago, and upon investigating further found they donate proceeds to a local girls group in Colorado that helps girls come into their own at a young age. I never thought I needed that sort of thing but I realize maybe I did !!!

I am running a contest, I would like to hear your personal stories of or about a time of difficulty and how you overcame it. I think this could be of encouragement and help to others that read it. I will pick one story and the “chosen one” (haha) will receive a gift set from Love&Toast. (see below)

Until Next Time my Pretties ! Cheers !

P.s. Here is a lovely tune.


Posted in Dreams, Life // Comments Off on Elated.

This title is optional.

WHOA ! Its been a long time ! I’m writing to you all from a purple couch with a snoring kitty (tiny little snores) smooshed up next to my leg. So much has happened, I atteneded PAX East (a nerd convention) in Boston Massachusetts, decided to reform my previous shop-o-holic ways .. I’m selling my life on ebay—see it here  ——>  Out with the old, In with the new, and I also attended a screening of James Franco’s The Broken Tower… which as far as I knew was a new film but in researching it more today I think perhaps it was new in 2011 but this was his official East Coast Debut?? Anyhow.. it was held at the IFC Center in NYC and he introduced the film before hand.. I was indeed about 5 ft away from him.. he looked high.. cute but still high. It was not a bad film but more interesting mostly because the way it was shot was nice and the storyline (Franco’s interpretation of a poet’s life Hart Crane) wasn’t bad either, I mostly liked the few comedic moments involving him working at a NYC ad agency the best.. otherwise it was on the slow side (as Franco pre-warned us) and I don’t think it was bad or good, just.. interesting. Perhaps you can check it out for yourself (=


I think the most interesting thing of all is that Franco Directed and Acted in it, which are two completely different modes of thinking and working, I imagine it difficult to separate the two?? A gallant effort indeed and I applaud anyone ambitious enough to do things above and beyond most people, whether good or bad, its admirable.  In other news I will be dusting off the Vespa from its long winter slumber. Any suggestions for names? I have yet to name it… maybe this year will be the year… I used to name my cars so why not other modes of transportation as well??

This year also I am embarking on the task of trying to get my very own apartment *dun*dun*dun* 


I really really hope I find a place. I have been extremely lucky/blessed so far in NYC, the last thing besides pursuing my daydreams more is to establish my own space. Granted roommates make it more affordable and if I must I must BUT wouldn’t it be nice to have a little spot in the sun to call my own?? I can’t deal with anymore jerks ! I deserve much much better then to feel like a guest in my own home. (sorry to vent, I’d rather not talk about it! On to bigger and better things..)

A pet would be nice too… Any pet suggestions???  Hedgehog?? Baby Goat?? Kitty? I would say dog but I am simply not home enough and they are expensive!!

Tomorrow is the Brooklyn Flea, I’ll put something more comprehensive up soon for your reading pleasure.. Have a lovely weekend Ladies and Gents !!

Cheers !


P.s. Here is a song and dance for ya’ !! Good Bad, Not Evil. The best kind.


Keep your coins, I want change.

I can’t take credit for this title, its ripped off of a Banksy piece. I’m not one to risk future copyright infringement, although… in the case of Banksy it wouldn’t matter, that is part of his art or manifesto or artist statement/idea….so ya. Anyway the whole point of this article is exactly what the title says: Change.

I just started to read a book my best friend bought me years ago called Stumbling on Happiness, basically the psychology of humans in relation to happiness. What you think will make you happy and what actually does. I’m excited to read it because I know it will be good (Ashley you are a girl of great taste), I always enjoy a new spin/perspective and well… I want to do something scary. Real scary. At least for me. You know that ever important thing that most people need in some facet?… (no not $$money$$ but it can relate to it..) …. SECURITY.

A secure job. A secure place to live. A retirement?? etcetera etcetera… well I value it a lot, I hate feeling on edge not knowing where or how I’m going to make it next month, or next week, or even tomorrow. -BUT- you know what? Its also motivating, I hussled the most when I had no security because I wanted to get it. In a way, the lack of security was a challenge, it made me more productive. Now that I have it, I feel I’ve moved back into a bedroom in the procrastination palace. I loathe the very thing that provides all this “security”… i..e. A “normal” job. Most days its okay but ugh… I just wanna go back to school for something fun, or travel all over the world, or you know.. be my own boss. The idea is grand, actually doing it—- SCARY, because there is little security in it (at least until your successful….IF you are) and your taking a risk. Now I am not entirely risk averse, in fact, I have taken many risks (some smart, some not so smart) in life but one I have not taken much of is that of the working kind. I chose the safe reliable degree.

Although for the same reasons girls always pick the bad guys (according to popular belief and my own observation of the female species) … well.. safe and reliable=boring. Now unlike the lesson in which you learn after dating one too many assholes, (at least hopefully you are one of the fortunate who realize it and pick a good guy finally) safe and reliable=fantastic ! ladies. Well they can still be edgy just reliable in the fact that they reliably do not treat you like shit !… wait this isn’t a dating post, argh! ) Anyway…with work safe and reliable is for me at least…..boring. I do something different everyday but its just not entirely my passion. Mostly it not being my passion is the problem… *sighhhhh*

What is?? Good question, I like making shit. I like helping people. I love travel. What should I do with the rest of my life??!!! This is exactly why I just went with the safe degree b/c I changed my mind so often I would have been broke and in school forever had I not… but… it gnaws at me still. Little by little, like a caterpillar taking tiny bites out of a big leaf… I cannot be practical forever, there is much of me that is completely impractical ! hahaha… I want to follow my passion, I want to be my own boss.

Sooooo… what is the plan? The solution?? Well first off, get out of debt. Secondly, think about school… Thirdly, I want my own place dammit. Living alone might be lonely or boring but I feel it would be alright, after all, having a pet exists for a reason. (Adopt !!) Also… I’m going to start up my Etsy again and get business cards once I get the finances in order. Think about it: Less shoes and meaningless material belongings.. more life experiences and freedom !! (Credit cards are slavery disguised as fancy sugar daddies, or mamas (if your a boy) )

SO I invite you along with me to journey towards no debt and dream achieving instead of just dreaming. Life is so short and fast. You need love and to give love as much as possible and to dwell in what you find beautiful and fulfilling. I always attempt to do that but modern day society is great at side tracking you from it with a lot of needless junk (material and otherwise) ….I just want some more freedom.

I know half the fun is in the journey not the destination but, geezus, I want it NOW!!! I hate waiting sometimes.. its torture when you want something badly. Looks like I have a lot of work to do, now… where is that EASY button????

For now… I will use my practical job to fund the daydreaming impractical pursuit.. so Cheers! to all you space cadets, I’ll meet you on Mars.

If any of you have stories, advice and or opinion please share !

P.s. I’m sorry if this makes you annoyed or lose your cookies..but.. I am actually bursting with happiness about a lot of things, life is good overall, who am I to complain?? Well, anyway, I think finally after years of kissing disgusting frogs I finally found a prince. Please watch the clip below.


Ya, so there’s that. (=

Posted in Dreams, Life // Comments Off on Keep your coins, I want change.

So you wanna be a Pin Up??

Well, ya…

I have always loved the style and when I discovered a class at one of my favorite bars taught by Bettina May  I HAD to go ! It was a fun day as expected. It ran from 12-6pm with a Happy Hour after !


@Beauty Bar NYC 

 Clothes and accessories were brought in by Meredith Peltz of Vintage Variety in New Jersey that you could rent or buy if you wanted something just for the photoshoot or to add on to what you already had. Hair was done by the lovely Monica Lopez.
We each received a handbook with all the tips and more that were given in class. Also besides what you were going to wear in your shoot we had to bring a small list of items as we were learning makeup and hair it’s best to use your own tools ! I didn’t have hot rollers but luckily those were provided if you didn’t bring (or forgot to bring) them. Bettina also sells a DVD version of the class if your not able to come in person or want a refresher. (I recommend the class!! SO FUN)
Once we were given the tips and instruction (aka live demo of makeup and hair) it was time to begin ! All the women there were so different and it was so fun meeting them all, seeing the transformation of everyone was even better! What a bunch of bombshells ! Not to mention there was even a mother daughter duo in attendance that rocked out a shoot together! I love seeing things like that, it made me want my Mommy too.. hahaha…
Once everyone was a blast from the past we each began our individual shoots and while waiting shopped, ate, and got to know each other, it was a unique group of women indeed, all enjoyable company. Once the class was finished the bar opened and cocktails and music (provided by Miss May) carried the days atmosphere into the night perfectly.
A video I found of another Beauty Bar class…..
Overall it was a great time and I’d gladly do it again, I made some wonderful contacts and got some pictures to prove to people when I’m old and grey I was once young… haha.
Also I have been obsessed with learning how to curl my hair to do all the hairstyles (Now that I finally know the secrets!) So I bought this set today from Conair .. I haven’t mastered it but today was the trial run and it went well considering I have…. shall we say…. limited hair skills, basically I’m lazy..but.. NO MORE ! Hey, if I can do it, you can do it. Cheers all you Ladies and Gents! Stay Beautiful. Stay Dapper.
P.s. An era appropriate video from a band I re-discovered and will be playing all beachy summer long. All you need is leather and hairspray. A cute boy ain’t bad either.
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What is Woman??

I should be sleeping. I’ve had a ridiculously long day at work but here I lay (yes I did make it half way to dreamland) contemplating the mysteries of the universeeee… erm- or more or less, What is it to be a Woman?

Tank Girl

Pin Ups with Sass

Now I am not an adolescent who has just hit puberty (nor did I ever care to become a “Woman”) but with all the images and messages sprayed all over our daily lives like so much graffiti, what the hell?? I mean, lets see…. there is Cosmo (My least favorite of all time) dishing out useful *cough* USELESS *cough* information.. at least in my opinion. Then there are the fashion mags, the everyday gossip smut, Victorias Secret ads… *Insert Marge Simpson groan here* etcetera etcetera… All have their own soap box on which to stand but which one do you subscribe to, if any?? Which ones do you identify with… more so believe? I fall somewhere in between, having spent years as a tomboy with a girl still intact then in my latter years drifting more towards “girl-ness” then ever ( I actually don’t have an all black, blue and grey wardrobe anymore !! Fancy that.) However I readily admit to suppressing it more at times because I didn’t want to, nor believe in the media portrayal and more often then not, the exploitation of women. I’m not a feminist per say but I do believe women have dropped the ball on this one…I mean you should at least make money off of your own exploitation rather then let pervy masterminds profit…. C’MON!! …. All joking aside.. I see and hear and read all about what a struggle it is to be a girl with all the shit floating around and your best bet is hopefully you were raised well and can decipher enough not to get shit on your shoe… if not.. then hope you find a good role model or public voice.. I think all that is wonderful but.. how about not just how to be this or that type of woman but be YOU. Its cliche to say, yes, yes, I know.. but maybe where we go wrong is not so much listening to the media but that the basic message of love has been lost in the shuffle.. people don’t like themselves, people had parents- or- perhaps no parent from which they properly were shown and taught (Love is learned, truth.) love. I don’t care so much about the steady stream of media crap coming thru the window as I do about the realization that to be a Woman, at least to me is to be.. myself…Because I’m finally starting to believe the compliments I receive(even the ones from my Mom). Not like I cared what people thought before but that was more rebellion and well.. I really didn’t care, but couple that with actual self love and Whammo !! Recipe for world take over Ladies !! If I wanna wear pink from head to toe, I’ll fucking well do it AND if I wanna wear a leather jacket and ride a motorcycle I’ll do that too… In fact, I’ll do whatever I want because that is ME and I am a Woman. Nothing a magazine or movie or advertisement can dream up will affect that. So maybe if we could help other little girls grow into themselves too the media onslaught that looms over our heads creating background noise will become just that- noise. Sex sells… but maybe if we demand more, self respect will sell more.

Cheers! Heres to you,

P.s. Here is a very funny article.. xojane

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