Archive of ‘Life’ category

Let’s be Realistic


                “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”― Oscar Wilde. 

Let’s face it, “reality bites.” Why else would Winona Ryder star in a movie of the same title? Being realistic is great, but it can also  limit you. Imagination coupled with  ambition or chutzpah is far better. Granted  being realistic is good, I find a balance  between reality and imagination is far better. If I were realistic, I would’ve missed out on some of the best things in my life so far. Realists be damned, but taking a leap of faith in the direction of your dreams is far more rewarding then being  practical! Perhaps this makes more sense to the dreamers, but whatever you are too much “reality,” will limit you. Because, there’s nothing like reality to take the wind out of your sails. Over the years and even more so now I’ve culled an almost innate  ability to ignore the naysayers. The proof is in the pudding, because each time I took a risk that I was warned  about and it worked out this just  fueled me to take more. I suppose I’m very blessed that they worked out. However, aside from the supernatural I found that higher thinking also helped. You’d be surprised how much you can do when you put your mind to it and ignore your fears. Our brains are pliable nearly our entire lives(it’s called neuroplasticity) this means we can continually learn and shape ourselves. To take advantage of this try to think outside of  the box and don’t be afraid of the word “No,” or failure. Even if your on the bottom, you can only go up!  One of  the larger things I’ve noticed during my recovery, is how often I see perfectly capable people hold themselves back solely in their minds. A fact that has continually bothered me because I  have witnessed people with missing limbs not even be held back from running so to speak.Many people are blind to the fact that they have the world at their fingertips. If I could magically do one thing, I’d like to open their eyes to this reality of   having limitless possibility. Imagine how much farther you’d go if you heard or said “Yes,” more. Reality has a   way of trying to clip your wings if you let it, so don’t let it! Submerge yourself in the possible instead of impossible. Even making a  goal list, beginning with small things will help you gear up to  conquer the larger ones. It’s funny how beginning with “Do laundry today,” can lead into  get a motorcycle license. Because that goal  can be just as simple or mundane as doing laundry. A mountain is only as large as you see it being.

Cheers and have no fear!


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Love lockets on a fence..


     “Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”

― Dalai Lama XIV

If  I have learned anything on this healing journey it’s that like a fence were all linked together. The   influence of a few can be felt by many. Imagine a world where helping one another was commonplace. Perhaps that’s my 1950’s pipe dream. However, I’ve  seen the difference it’s made in my life so I can only conclude that it would revolutionize the world. If We could just envision our connections more clearly, perhaps We would see how paying it forward only benefits us. Even the notion of holding the door  open for someone else, it all adds up. I remember loving every act of kindness I witnessed in otherwise pretty selfish environments. From a young gentleman giving up his seat on the subway,  to the girl helping a woman  haul Her baby carriage down the treacherous stairs.  Each of these  acts may seem insignificant, but imagine if they ran rampant. The way a society treats the least of it’s members(i.e. the elderly,children,animals,the handicapped) reflects it as a whole. I’ve even witnessed a pair of homeless men helping out another with no legs on the New york subway at 3 a.m!   Those who haven’t struggled themselves fail to see others who are currently in  a struggle. Personally I’ve been rich, I’ve been poor,and I never saw as much as when I was poor. For what seems much longer, but  for about two years I have been living as a handicapped individual. In this position it’s easy to be overlooked and feel frustratingly  helpless. I’ve  noticed much more the people that open the door, go out of their way to help, and even kind words. On the other hand it’s been even easier to see acts of selfishness. There are even forays into the science of being selfless.(see here! Those who possess more selfish qualities fare worse in terms of survival in the wild. What does that tell you? Could not the same be said about humans? After all no man is an Island.  Just as lovers that symbolically  padlock themselves together on a fence in Paris, throwing the key into the river, so are We connected. My guess is there’s no finding  that key anytime soon so We should at least make the best of it until the fence rusts away or the padlock   gets cut off!

Cheers  and kitten ears,


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Love is all You Need


                                 “A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”

― John Lennon.

Through what has been a harrowing  journey, I think  one of the many bigger  things I have  learned is that  if you have a choice, when you choose love you can’t lose.

As you probably already know, we are all  connected like  the synapses of our brains, paper chain dolls, and even the cosmos. Much like them we too, shine on.

I rarely like to ask for things, but plainly put,(Donate button on the right please) I need your help fellow humans.

This request stems from  my journey in learning how to walk again  from being  half paralyzed.Early on in rehab, I used to pretend I was walking across the Brooklyn Bridge(not an indoor track  rife with grandmas and grandpas)for motivation. However as I have gotten better, regained my balance, and amped up my determination I want to make this daydream a reality. Because  when things are bad you can push through them to the  other side. As a demonstration of this I want to walk all 1.1 miles of the bridge with friends and family to celebrate life, raise  stroke awareness,and inspire others to cross their own bridges in life My hope is to do it in the Fall, but if funds won’t allow it will have to  wait.Thus, if you will  each raise up your hands, I could crowd surf safely across them to  the stage.




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Color Me Happy


                                                         “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.”-Walt Disney.

My parents were warned I may not live,and I was in a coma. However, I did live and eventually woke up. Now what do I want to do? Well, Ladies and Gentleman a 5K(3.106 miles) because  it was believed  that I may  never be able to do such a thing. Even before I had the massive stroke I had wanted to do a color run. It  is a for profit organized run  inspired by the Indian festival of Holi(see here)iPerhaps I’m a sucker for gimmicks, but it looks fun and benefits charity From my point of view, Upon finding one near me I signed up and registered, and even  getting  my Dad  to sign up! That  is  a shining example of the kind of  strong support I have. Because my Dad is willing to get covered in colors and even glitter.!  I  almost didn’t live,had to learn how to walk again,and faced many naysayers. After hearing  Doctors  and sometimes even  therapists tell me what I could and couldn’t do it would have been easy to lose hope or believe them. Except  luckily it began to have the opposite  affect on me. I  was becoming quite the rebellious child. When you so often hear  what you can’t do,either  a resilience builds up in your soul or a fierce determination makes itself known. While I have always been rather determined, I  didn’t know exactly how strong I was until that was the only choice. These days that determination is ever stronger and  with a solid streak of rebellion. Because when I’m told I can’t do something, naturally I want to do it. By doing this run(or walk) I wanted to push through the “impossible.” All too often we are told what we can’t do, but what about what we can? I’ve been blessed  that for every naysayer I’ve had a friend or loved one that told me the opposite. With love  anything is possible.  We just don’t hear that enough. So what do you do when people  think you can’t walk?   The answer is to run a 5K!

Pssst enjoy this  glam video advertising this years Color Run too!


Shine on,


It Ain’t Easy Being Green


“Kids don’t remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are.”  -Jim Henson.

We all know the pangs of jealousy by the time were deemed adults. However, for some of us  the green monster  left it’s former residence from under our beds and instead follows us around. I used to over analyze and compare myself and that old neighbor would sneak up  on me. Except after  I had the realization that everyone has a hard time in one way or another, you simply cannot  compare yourself. Besides I have grown to like who I am, problems and all. Of course I’m not  completely devoid of conflicting emotions, but  when that green monster  becomes so small you nearly forget about him  the world gets better.  When  Life lacks the presence of jealousy  it’s freeing. To  no longer worry or compare oneself leaves you loads more time and moments to focus on yourself. Pretty soon you’ll find that when jealousy leaves so does envy. Now were talking  not just more freedom, but the ability to run wild in the streets! The less you let these petty emotions  dwell in your heart the more room you’ll have  for love. Not only for yourself but also  for other  people too. I have found my lack of jealousy or envy to be refreshing.Firstly I don’t bother  wasting  as much time any longer. The elimination of that distraction and more time has  culminated in being more content and focused. It has allowed  me to experience more happiness and brainstorm  more ideas that excite me. When I was able to shrink the green monster into a more manageable size He bothered me less and less. Oddly enough what did the trick was ignoring him. Rather then  his voice becoming louder it slowly quieted down.  As I get further  and further away from being a  child, I learn that perhaps I was actually  more intelligent  back then! Surely I was  even more straightforward, honest, and not afraid to blurt out the truth and nearly embarrass someone. The difference now being that I have more tact. However, it turns out Kermit the frog had  a valuable life less to share with me after all these years. Sometimes going backwards allows you to better move forward. Not unlike those wind up cars you pull back, only to let them go and send them flying forward. Soon after  the massive stroke(see here) I complained nearly everyday that I was going backwards rather than forward like I should be. However, I’m beginning to see that going backwards is not so terrible after all. Besides as it turns out, I was  more open,content, and smarter as a kid!

Cheers and childhood years,


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Road To the Heart


“One belongs to New York instantly, one belongs to it as much in five minutes as in five years.” -Tom Wolfe.

I passed out on a bathroom floor in upstate New york  and woke up  in a Hospital near my parents house in Michigan. A distance of 650 miles from the place that I called home. Needless to say I was swimming in a sea of hopelessness and loss. I had been  unfortunate enough to have  had a massive stroke, which nearly killed me and was  seemingly making my dreams of returning to my beloved city all but impossible. Suddenly the idea of  time passing terrified me. With each new day rather than look at the possibilities I thought of all the things I  missed or was missing out on. As far as I was concerned the prime of my life had been stolen and  was getting spent sitting  in waiting rooms, at a therapy, or  in Doctor offices. Recently I had the chance to go back and  visit my old neighborhood of Astoria Queens. Rather then saying  “goodbye,” as my Mother suggested I chose to say  “See you later.”  Luckily I found that not much had changed in the neighborhood, which quelled my fears of the world changing   drastically without me to be a part of it. I was somewhat  apprehensive before  the day  of visiting arrived, mostly because I was worried I would become very sad. However, once I had arrived  there everything was as I remembered  and  thus  it was actually comforting. All the time I spent  living in  fear  of  missing out was dashed. I chose to use this visit for motivation rather than defeat. I navigated the neighborhood easily(as I know it!) and   arrived to a dinner with close friends.                       

Afterwards I  left to have a toast in  my first apartment there.( Photo Below, right)

My former roommate and I laughed as We  reminisced and spoke of the neighborhood changes. In many ways I felt as if I hadn’t been gone at all. For months all I wanted to do was return to the city I love and I  believed it was lost to me.It’s very easy to buy into the naysayers that do nothing

   but instill doubt. Luckily though, I have some people that remind me of the YES. The visit was  wpid-img_8580.jpgnot only to see friends but to

get a surgery that would make a difference in the speed of my “road trip,” back East. Thanks to the love and support of many they’ve kept my gas tank full and the motor running. In many ways were all on a “road trip,” I just happened to break down along the way, experienced a delay, and had to take a detour. Along  with me in my vehicle each of my friends and family wrote me a letter ordrew me a picture. Every now and then I figure out that these  individual pages fit together, and wherever one is missing I write my own. Soon enough it appears that it’s becoming an Atlas that’s pointing me where I  need to go. Earlier on the map was destroyed and I thought I’d never find my way back to  where I wanted to go. Luckily though I have  some angels on my side that seem to be well equipped  with maps and

                               glue!                                                                                            Gastroteca Astoria below:wpid-img_8569.jpg

           See you soon!


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The Haunting


Every year right near my birthday I’m  greeted with hearts and proclamations of romantic love. Usually I’m  not only close to celebrating my birthday  but also  somehow always single. Needless to say, over the years I have  built up an emotion resembling contempt for this  hallmark holiday. However, this year even when stumbling upon a small collection of love notes(below) from an ex, I could find no ill will in my heart.The ghosts of Valentines past didn’t succeed in upsetting me.

wpid-20150125_155609.jpg Normally I would toss these  sentiments away along with any reminders, gifts, any associated music files, their phone number, and pictures. Except this time I chose to not only keep them but I  also  read them over and remembered the sweet times. You may ask me“Why Grinch of Valentines Day would you do such a thing!?”  My  reply would perhaps  be confusing for you fellow Grinch’s but nevertheless  maybe my heart grew two sizes( and my brain) so  as a result I felt  no contempt.While the who’s ran around throwing  their heart confetti everywhere and chattering about upcoming dates I had a date with reality. The  truth is no matter what your  status is this holiday,  it really doesn’t matter as long as your happy even if it’s with yourself. Although these things would normally make me sad, I’m simply not because I no longer waste  my time being forlorn over someone that was too daft to recognize my beauty. You most definitely shouldn’t either!The world’s population stood at 7.125 billion people in 2013.Don’t you think at least one of those humans might just fit your puzzle piece? That being said, clearly there is no shortage of available suitors. Now my dear friend it’s just a matter of serendipity. Having this knowledge has  helped me to completely avoid any forlorn nonsense. Because life   can be navigated on a Vespa motorcycle  fitted for one too! Some moments have been devised solely for your consumption.If your ever feeling  really blue  during this very pink holiday, just  seek out the nearest couple arguing in public, which is guaranteed to help you feel better( works for me) because your not the one  making a  spectacle of yourself. If you choose not to spend your time toiling away on anti-valentines day  cards this year at least go on a date ( with a bestie) and enjoy  some time well spent. Furthermore rather then looking for love outside of yourself try turning your gaze inward. You  have  nothing to lose and a  world to  gain when you learn to truly(finally) love yourself.

                                           This ones for you:




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When you see a good move, look for a better one.” –Emanuel Lasker

The game of Chess always seemed like a difficult and intimidating game to learn, much less master,that is until I   got a brain injury. Of course I’m in no way downplaying  the skills it takes to master this game.After I  was injured, perhaps it was my determination or perhaps my ever present stubbornness (I do have a  tattoo that reads rebel  rebel after all) but I could recall passing by men in Central Park sitting at tables behind Chess boards waiting for a challenge or an opponent.I wanted to be able to sit across from  one of these men and play a game under  the sunshine in a beautiful park, but passed by not knowing how to play. However(,(rebel that I am) once I was under the impression that people didn’t expect such things from me I absolutely wanted to learn and I had the time and a wonderful teacher available to me, so why not?  Furthermore there are big benefits for your mind(read here!?)in learning Chess. A  game in the park, the mental work out, and  the allure of a new skill  all called my name.I just thought “ How cool would it be to learn Chess after this happened to me? Take that life!”  After all when life hands you lemons do something it doesn’t expect.When the tides try to  pull you under, your strength rises up. Dear reader may your strength  too, come unfurled  like a race horse charging out of the gate.


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Not all Blogs are Created Equal


Everyone has a blog,reads a blog,or  is currently the writer of one.A Google inquiry of  how many blogs? Yields results in the millions like this one: On 16 February 2011, there were over 156 million public blogs in existence.

The internet has not only  become a means of big business, but also a  main facilitator of human communication and expression.Therein lies “the blog,” an omnipresent entity among the tech savvy movers and shakers.Not to mention the social butterflies, It is  a great way to  connect in an increasingly  disconnected world. The one where everyone knew their neighbors  seems to be a thing of our Grandparents day. Concerning all these personal gadgets and media I can recall one comedian’s observation ;  “Thank you Apple for giving NewYorkers another   way to ignore each  other.”  As a rule  social interaction is not encouraged on the subway. It makes strangers uncomfortable. While I completely understand that,it seems this may be happening on an even  larger scale.When faced with a lack of social interaction, it seems We have taken to writing creative letters    in cyberspace to an invisible audience,if only in our minds. However I’ll admit I quite like having the ability to pass out well designed business cards  that  say  “I’m a writer  and  I have a blog.” Therefore I must be interesting, right? I find, like many I’m  sure that writing is cathartic.Whatever your reason, it’s a great way  to spend  your time!  It’s certainly more productive then sleeping or being a couch potato that’s for sure.Personally I’m not doing it for money.Perhaps in the beginning I had grand delusions of using it as an additional source of income..That has since changed more into a means of personal satisfaction, and ultimately helping someone else.Furthermore have you heard of such  glamorous workshops for more serious bloggers called Blogcademy!? I was unfortunate enough to miss the very first one, but caught one in Chicago(see here!) which was great and fun.Being a  fan of creative things I find blogging to be enjoyable and like the ability to change things around like it’s silly putty.Not to mention I take satisfaction in knowing that my ex boyfriend’s blog is not as interesting nor as well designed(Ha!) that gives me some odd sort of revenge.Although, revenge aside it’s creating a  whole community, and were seeing things like bloggers being invited to fashion shows,being  tapped into promoting a brand,and even gaining large followings and  internet fame  much like some Youtubers.At any rate,I say let the bloggers blog!

Cheers and  Happy blogging!,


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About a Boy

holding hands“Sometimes heartbreak is a lesson, the best thing to do is just learn the lesson.” – Jon Voight.

Since the eponymous holiday  of St.Valentine is upon  us, this led me to reflect upon past loves.One cannot avoid  this holiday as it announces itself  in  a  flurry  of  pink,red, hearts, and candy in every convenience store as soon as February  draws near.I guess Love just cannot wait!  Normally this holiday comes and goes with an eye roll   and “anti- Valentines Day,”cards  mailed  to friends  from me. Instead, in anticipation  of it I thought about  the  subject  of heartbreak(that and the great decor’ this time of year) I admit, I have a difficult time letting go.The  biggest regret  I have  of this is the time wasted spent talking about, thinking about,or crying about someone who was simply not worth it. A good friend of mine  once told me “Don’t waste your time on a man(in this case boy) who is not strong enough to jump the hurdles with you.” This is good advice for a couple of reasons, one, look for those on your playing level and two,  time is precious. I’m no expert but I do know the best things I did when in this sad state were going out and pursuing what made  me happy and healthy(yay for rad friends!) Unfortunately  though for some it is true that no one can complete you.However, if you learn how to love yourself(start HERE!) you’ve already won.While you shouldn’t resign yourself to lone wolf status forever, you’ll be better off(and healthier) if you can carry your own.It’s a win-win situation to be and feel whole in yourself.We all deserve a person that recognizes how wonderful we are.Do  the things that  you enjoy,fulfill  you, and that truly enrich your life it  will only  serve you for the best. As they say “The best revenge is living well.” Besides when you do  meet the person who is worthy of your time it will be all the better if they find you to be a happy and whole  person all on your  own.When your on  life’s  path to the top of the mountain to conquer it(whatever yours may be) the best thing is to meet a fellow traveler who is also  on their way up too and can  keep you company on the way there.This year go on a date with your best friend,be it a boy or girl! 🙂

Safe Travels this holiday!


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