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Throwing the book at The Notebook.


I think Ryan Gosling is  swoon worthy,you may think He is swoon  worthy,all the  teary eyed girlies at  The Notebook  think Ryan Gosling is swoon worthy……


We also agree that  He sadly plays a fictional character,while this  fictional  romance is something We would all love,a devoted,playful.sweet love by our side,the truth is that sadly real Noah’s are few and far between beyond the movie screen,in reality you will be letdown,you will be disappointed,you will be left…..

The good news?

This will not only enable you to learn about yourself more but also force you to pull up your boot straps,grow stronger  and  chalk it up to the saying

: If he won’t fight for you he isn’t right for you.

Because  in the end as pessimistic as that  is,sometimes you have to fight for yourself because if the person you love can’t see your value then perhaps you   should let your  value of them depreciate,while yours increases!?there are too many mirrors in the world for you to miss the view of your own lovely reflection,if you have been  wounded…… more good news! wounds heal,just like hair grows back after a bad haircut, just give it time.

When I have been the unlucky recipient of the title     “Dumpee I mope for a considerable amount of time,sure but I also try to shift focus and sometimes even do things  I don’t want to because it helps to  shift head space,it also doesn’t hurt to have some good friends to be with….

If all else fails:

Unknown                       To be clear  I don’t condone revenge on an ex! Besides “What goes around comes around,I tend to subscribe  to whatever Justin Timberlake sings about….

Eventually after the pain dulls and the sun shines in your life again(hopefully sooner than later!)

You’ll find it warming your heart too      and when that  light fills you up it has nowhere else to go but out of your eyes and maybe even in the direction of a cute new Ryan Gosling look-a- like!?


In conclusion you may whether you want to or not get pretty comfortable  with yourself and may even think of your ex: “Thanks for loosing me from that ball&chain,your loss!

As a pin read that  I bought once  from an old dirty biker(,and warranted many unwanted pickups from gas station attendants):

Single&Ready To Mingle. enjoy the good times those moments are for you,



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The Giving Circle.

circle It is believed that when you give it comes back to you and sometimes ten fold…..well  if that is the case then I have some good news for you,it does!

image  Recently I received  a porcelain Tiffany box wrapped inside a larger Tiffany’s gift box

The funny thing is…….

Not too long ago I nabbed a Tiffany’s  gift box from a co-worker,which I then gave away with a gift inside  for my Aunt at Christmas,partly because I needed a box to wrap and partly because I knew She may never have Her own Tiffany’s box,especially since you have to have a purchase  inside to even leave the store with one….

Even though I would have liked to keep it I chose to give it away, but!

More recently lo and behold that box returned to me even better (porcelain) and guess what!?

In yet another Tiffany’s box so now I have two.

Another example could   also be the time I gave  $50.00 to church,then later won $500.00  (Hello ten-fold)

I also won a scholarship to Blogcademy Chicago…….A blog post on that soon too!



In  conclusion,in my experience,Things come back and usually quite sweetly.

**keep up  hope &a giving soul**





My Blogcademy Chicago Scholarship Entry



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What  do people and the general public know about blogs?

-Very little.

What do people know about the type of person who blogs?


-Even less.

A beauty queen?  A troublemaker?A nerd? A sports aficionado? An oddball?

It’s a veritable blogger Breakfast Club!



In my experience few   people know  of the great things  that can be done by simply  putting your fingers to keyboard keys

It also doesn’t hurt   to have a great imagination  and creative flair (not flare)

It may appear to be a mindless diary or  just have a good design aesthetic…

It’s anything but!

As  Women We have enough beauty magazines to tell us what to buy,how to look,or how to be better…

Instead We need a positive forum to  connect,network,and show that were pretty inside and out!


It may be a  “Man’s World” but  why don’t  We make that a Woman‘s  world?

with pink combat boots and all!


Why I think  I should win: 

I  was actually all set to attend Blogcademy   NYC but 2 weeks before at the age of 28(I’m now 30)I suffered a  massive stroke and  besides serious Hospitalization I missed out on quite  a few things,too many to bear…. -BUT- after being motivated to   create this essay/scrapbook for  a scholarship to the class it helped to really motivate my creative gears to begin moving again after being in a long depressive slump.

I believe the  blog “phenomenon” could help many others and the reason I entered to win this,this time around is because due to mounting medical bills,it’s the only way I can afford to go….

Thank you for your time,and good luck to all entries! I hope to see you all soon








The Road to Recovery…


On October 12th of 2012 in upstate Newyork  at the age of 28 I had  a massive stroke out of nowhere,but now a little over a year of  recovery time,I am in therapy on a weekly basis,its been a hard road…We put a years worth of miles on our car in half the time…

There are several types of therapies to keep you moving…


  1. Physical Therapy
  2. Occupational Therapy
  3. Massage Therapy(which dealt with getting nerves to wake up again)this was considered to be an alternative therapy
  4. Suit Therapy-which is typically for children with Cerebral Palsy but helps to activate
  5. Speech underused muscles 6. Speech TherapySincemy discharge from Inpatient Rehab(all 64 days of it…) I have been on a weekly schedule of therapy and Doctor visits,which at first were arduous,but now have become routine as I make my way back into some normalcy in what as been a  very irregular and difficult time period in my life thus far,now all I can do is continue to work,persevere,and keep hope.Never has the saying “One day at a time been more relevant,as well as the term ‘Patience of a Saint’  While  recovering and  being less independent I have had to learn how to be patient and wait for nearly everything, which has probably been  one of the larger  changes,coming from being a fiercely independent woman….
  6. Barwis Method is ran by College    Football Strength&Conditioning Coach,legendary Mike Barwis out of Plymouth,Michigan, the training facility consists of an area for weights and modified workout machines(built by personal specifications according to Mike) as well as an indoor field,He physically challenges athletes and laymen alike and of all physical rehab I have done his is my favorite.These days Mike is a hard guy to catch as He builds a new  center and more recently has begun filming on American Muscle,soon to be on  the Discovery Channel.I have been lucky to meet this forward thinking trainer,not to mention a person that like most rather than being self focused chooses to take time to help others.

A poem upon parting……

One ship drives East,
and another drives West,
With the self-same winds that blow;
Tis the set of the sails, and not the gales,
Which tells us the way to go.

Like the winds of the sea are the ways of fate,
As we voyage along through life;
Tis the set of the soul that decides its goal,
And not the calm or the strife.

-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

XO   **BLEU**






ImageIn talking to a friend recently it was pointed out that  “it’s better to have loved&lost then to have never loved  at all” this can be applied to a host of things from broken relationships to broken dreams and so forth the best thing to do is focus on the positive and maintain a stiff upper lip(without denying your feelings of course),and to march on no matter how sad you may be and keep in mind things could also  sometimes mimic a boomerang  and return to you. It helps to speak into life what you wantWhen situations seem especially bleak you just have to cling to what you love and who loves you.Sometimes no one can love you as much as you(hopefully)love yourself

At any rate stay strong and carry on!

Even if that  sometimes involves not thinking at all,keeping occupied, or avoiding the subject, either way surround yourself with as much positive content as your able,keep up hope,and always strive for more,even when it seems elusive don’t fret but keep in mind that in this life, magic(it does exist!) happens when you least expect it.

These Days

On October 12,2012 I suffered a massive stroke that  has  surely  changed things ,mine will be a story of recovery and fighting the good fight to get back what I lost as well  as be grateful for the things I still have and can offerI have found very little in the way of fellow young survivors save for one,Nina from Boston,Massachusetts who had one at the age of26Shehas a great quirky blog check it out here——>POP!


These Days….

On October 12 of 2012 I   suffered a massive stroke at the age of twenty eight I personally  have found very little in the way of other young survivors except Nina from Boston who has a great quirky blog whom also had a stroke but at an even younger age of twenty six,check it out here—-—->POP! I plan on sharing my story of rehabilitation and fighting the good fight to regain what was lost,please feel free to share and/or contact me( with any questions or ideas/stories,Thanks for reading!!

Cheers!Picture 80

Why I need to read more Wild(WILDE)

Clara Bow-Wings-circa 1927

“How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who  insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.”
Oscar Wilde

ha, Exactly. In other words don’t treat her like everyone else. She is special.. durp. Here is another gem:

“I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the  most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of  what it is to be a human being.”
-Oscar  Wilde


“I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single  word of what I am saying.”
Oscar  Wilde

——> More Quotes Here <———

I seriously nearly forgot how much I love Oscar Wilde, even though sometimes I find him arrogant he also has some great one liners. Today I found myself having a bit of the blues so….I decided to wander the Village (Greenwich) in search of ghosts. Perhaps if I looked hard enough a little of old New York would find me through an old relic or perhaps while sitting in a Cafe the ghosts of days gone by would send a little of their sweet energy my way. Cafe Wha? Being an everlasting monument to the days of yore. I could imagine the people who once filled the sidewalks late at night and wandered as I did, contemplating what it all means or just having a rip-roaring good time.

In a way, perhaps it was the combination of the damp chilly weather, nostalgia and reading semi-depressing literature that made me want to find these ghosts to extract some sort of feeling, of total self-expression, rock n’ roll, freedom and dark-eyed brooding. I wanted to time warp to when New York was something people still wrote about in books. The musical legends, the poets, the writers, the artists. That is the New York I fell in love with. So today I went searching for a little bit of it, if only whats left are cobble stones and pictures, whispers that drift in the wind.

I was reminded of my not too far off youth spent smoking clove cigarettes (they were black after all) and spending time in little indie cafe’s trying to decode what the hell James Joyce was talking about and/or day dreaming of being a heavy handed kohl eyed literary genius or simply Audrey Hepburn in her Beatnik garb in Paris dancing a perfectly choreographed piece “spontaneously.”  Then again I was supposed to start a garage band too….

This was the mood I was in so I was especially fond of this pop up shop I discovered in the Village that had a nice little array of somewhat dark material, I managed to grab a business card, worth a look-see below:

Nature, little skeletons, splash dyed shoes, and light boxes of ships, wolves and owls… what’s not to love ?! There was also a little stand full of spooky necklaces that a couple had made with found objects and things from archeological digs, dating back to the 1800’s ! They were also sourced locally, Brooklyn, Manhattan, etc.. It was old and very much the type of relic I sought after.. I imagined by having it around my neck I could physically melt a little bit of history into my skin and carry it with me, some substance of an old city. I’ll have to go back for that one… Amongst the little gems I came across I also found a tiny store front painted in neon that was all Lebowski themed! Yes. It does exist and you can order online.

In my search for all things past and surprises present I was reminded of how much I love collecting old photographs of strangers and postcards too, especially ones written in beautiful penmanship no longer taught in school, to their family members or lovers. Love Letters and war-time letters are my favorites. They’re endearing, sometimes funny, sometimes sad.  You can find piles of these discarded memories and people in antique shops, leftovers from photography studios or someones attic. I enjoyed making up stories about what they might have been like and what their lives consisted of. I’ve always found it interesting how people can be fooled by illusions. A pretty face can obscure something ugly and vica versa… as cliché’ as it may sound beauty really is only skin deep so you better like whats inside the package as well.Unless you only care about pomp and circumstance. I like to skim more than just the surface.

Being a woman of 28, sadly I realize we exist in a world that increasingly seems to equate beauty with only youth in women …it goes backwards away from you as time lurches forward (Turns out you can apply moisturizer excessively but cannot stop the hands of Father time from creeping forward, I digress) I’d like to think somewhere there is an island, a society possibly *gasp* (or a Dove Beauty Campaign lol) that still values and celebrates us (and fantasizes! duh.) after we are no longer teenagers for christs sake. In a seemingly hyper sexualized environment that makes youth the ruler by which we all have to measure … Sometimes the immaturity of it all is disconcerting…..A flower is beautiful in full bloom but… I mean c’mon…. Is there any left…Guys? Robots?!? Aliens from Mars??.. Anyone?!!?… in this world that still find 20 somethings (and 30ish lol) more fuckable and interesting over youngins’ ?… ugh. alas. pardon my french, mon amis. I’ll just be over here in a cafe plotting world take over in frustration with the other (might I add…smokin’ hot ! Yowza ! haha..) “Grandmas” …  haha..Meh. I’m moving to another planet. And now…For your viewing pleasure ….a pile of wrinkles ! Nooooo ! ….on an adorable little creature… see below 🙂  Almost fooled ya! It was totally almost a picture of the Queen of England. wah wah.

While I didn’t fully accomplish my goal of finding a hookah bar and sipping tea whilst contemplating the universe, the point of it all?? and reading this current book I have … a tragedy so far.. (the heroine is just so heavy.. perhaps I should construct my own novel, or novella with a main character full of lightness …. yes? ) I did however indulge in some peppermint tea and vegan tacos at a small eatery and people watched. (Delicious in case you were wondering..)

Before my walk back to the train I briefly stopped in front of a palm readers shop and contemplated going in… I wanted the woman inside to reveal some hidden secret, or amazing future predictions or at least just tell me that I was okay. That somewhere in this shallow pond, deep thinkers and wise Men still existed en masse. I decided against it though and crammed the $10 back into the pocket of my faded black jeans. I’ll save it for another chilly damp New York City day.

I leave you with this parting gift:




Even in the centuries which appear to us to be the most  monstrous and foolish, the immortal appetite for beauty has always found satisfaction.
-Charles  Baudelaire

It is the nature of the wise to resist pleasures, but the foolish to be a slave to them.

******CHEERS !******

Je suis ……

You know those times when you forget who you are?? Perhaps you have let outside influences bug you a little too much or let someone else’s issues effect you… well… FUUUCKKK THAT ! Time to Rebel, against anything and everything that brings you down pretty babies.

I aim for a few simple things in life and most if not all in the pursuit of happiness, and I only wish I knew then what I knew now… right? cliche but true. I only feel more beautiful and confident as the years fly by and certainly I find my armour gets pierced a lot less by others because I just don’t let it anymore. I simply cannot fret, I have one singular vision and that remains to stay true to myself and never pretend to be anything else.. if you aren’t yourself or afraid to speak up, your not being authentic with yourself or others.

I have been on an intermittant haitus from this blog and quite neglectful… soon this will be a more regular outlet and a positive one at that, because what is inside flows outwardly. So in short, don’t fill your head with garbage. Don’t let other people sneak it in when your not looking either. There are some sneaky ones out there… but hold on one second, I’m not here to bitch and moan, lest we forget the importance of…..


Because of course thats what I really am talking about… (kidding)

October promises to be a busy month but full of great things, besides Halloween !! and the wonderful Fall weather in NYC (My favorite time of the year) I have a few events occurring I can’t wait to share with you all. I realize my message on here lately has been lacking as well as activity so I thought it only appropriate I annouce a resurgence. You can expect some upcoming posts on:

Soulcycle and why it killed my Soul (and fat cells)

NYC Comicon 2012

BLOGCADEMY !! A Two Day Adventure with 29 other women( And no this is not a lesbian porn or a team building excercise.)

Juicing-the fountain of youth.

So if your interested at all in health, comic books, learning new skills to pay the billz… then please join me for the ride. (=

Until then Ladies the only kind of purse I endorse and indeed think  you should purchase this year is this:

You don’t even HAVE to hide a flask anymore, your purse IS the flask.!!. BRILLIANT!

And a few words of unwarranted advice upon parting.. Never ever compare yourself to other people unless of course its someone you look up to or someone who has achieved a desired goal, then compare yourself if only to know your going to do it even better (;

Also I must say one of my BIGGEST peeves is …”Well everyone else does it…” or “But most people…”   Please… do you want to be like everyone else??  Great, have fun in that overcrowded box. Don’t subscribe to mediocrity. Think for yourself.

Cheers as always and I leave you with some cool record covers and a song of course. (=


A little romance with a little French.. LOVE.

Posted in Life // Comments Off on Je suis ……

Je suis ……

You know those times when you forget who you are?? Perhaps you have let outside influences bug you a little too much or let someone else’s issues effect you… well… FUUUCKKK THAT ! Time to Rebel, against anything and everything that brings you down pretty babies.

I aim for a few simple things in life and most if not all in the pursuit of happiness, and I only wish I knew then what I knew now… right? cliche but true. I only feel more beautiful and confident as the years fly by and certainly I find my armour gets pierced a lot less by others because I just don’t let it anymore. I simply cannot fret, I have one singular vision and that remains to stay true to myself and never pretend to be anything else.. if you aren’t yourself or afraid to speak up, your not being authentic with yourself or others.

I have been on an intermittant haitus from this blog and quite neglectful… soon this will be a more regular outlet and a positive one at that, because what is inside flows outwardly. So in short, don’t fill your head with garbage. Don’t let other people sneak it in when your not looking either. There are some sneaky ones out there… but hold on one second, I’m not here to bitch and moan, lest we forget the importance of…..


Because of course thats what I really am talking about… (kidding)

October promises to be a busy month but full of great things, besides Halloween !! and the wonderful Fall weather in NYC (My favorite time of the year) I have a few events occurring I can’t wait to share with you all. I realize my message on here lately has been lacking as well as activity so I thought it only appropriate I annouce a resurgence. You can expect some upcoming posts on:

Soulcycle and why it killed my Soul (and fat cells)

NYC Comicon 2012

BLOGCADEMY !! A Two Day Adventure with 29 other women( And no this is not a lesbian porn or a team building excercise.)

Juicing-the fountain of youth.

So if your interested at all in health, comic books, learning new skills to pay the billz… then please join me for the ride. (=

Until then Ladies the only kind of purse I endorse and indeed think  you should purchase this year is this:

You don’t even HAVE to hide a flask anymore, your purse IS the flask.!!. BRILLIANT!

And a few words of unwarranted advice upon parting.. Never ever compare yourself to other people unless of course its someone you look up to or someone who has achieved a desired goal, then compare yourself if only to know your going to do it even better (;

Also I must say one of my BIGGEST peeves is …”Well everyone else does it…” or “But most people…”   Please… do you want to be like everyone else??  Great, have fun in that overcrowded box. Don’t subscribe to mediocrity. Think for yourself.

Cheers as always and I leave you with some cool record covers and a song of course. (=


A little romance with a little French.. LOVE.

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