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Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland


“You used to be much more…”muchier.” You’ve lost your muchness.”

― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland.

Much like Alice we are all on a journey to find our muchness.

I have found that my own personal journey has very much reflected the story of Alice in Wonderland.

Over the past year and a half I have met character after character.
The jabberwocky for me was the recovery and overcoming of  the massive stroke.
Many times I have been at a crossroads of confusion.
It was as if the Cheshire Cat was pointing me in all sorts of directions.

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However, I couldn’t always listen to him but follow my own feet as best I could.

The evil queen of hearts for me though, resided in a large hospital castle.

She sent her army of doctors after me,while I ran thru a garden maze looking for the exit.

Luckily, I have found the tiny door to a room that leads out though.
When I finally return from the depths of the rabbit hole I have plans.
Like Alice,I too have large dreams and new frontiers to set sail for.
Alice keeps getting questioned who she is in the film repeatedly.
Until, finally the mad hatter recognizes her after she regains her”muchness.
I also was questioned repeatedly on who I was.
In test after test I determined to show therapists “I’m still here,  I’m okay!”
After months of outpatient therapy, I began to feel mad.
However as in the film:
“The Mad Hatter: Have I gone mad?
[Alice checks Hatter’s temperature]
I’m afraid so. You’re entirely bonkers. But I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are.





Everyday is Like Ebay.


“There’s alot of nice people in the world, be one of them.” – unknown

Just as a fortune cookie is  unpredictable  so is the world of online  bidding.

In a more recent interaction I saw  the glaring differences in the interactions you can have.

Interaction A) via stateside…

A girl takes a screenshot of my auction and posts it on her Facebook because I unknowingly used her picture.

Many messages of harassment and nastiness ensue from her and her friends.

It ends in me contacting ebay over the harassment and eventually pulling the auction.

Interaction B) via our neighbors from across “the pond.”

A girl simply retracts her bid after I ask her  to because shipping is too costly as I guessed it would be.

It ends in a resolution for both parties  and myself feeling like just shipping her the item for free 

Did I? Unfortunately I couldn’t because there was another bidder, otherwise I would have loved to.

The  gap  between these two interactions is wide.

One exchange left me feeling like giving out hugs, the other slugs.

The  reason is simple, whether it be in person or online the way you treat someone reflects you  and determines the results you’ll receive.

This is obvious as it’s something most Mothers and Sunday schools tell you.

However, even so rarely do I see that difference  in interactions so close together.

They were nearly back to back!

One girl had me highly frustrated while the other made me just want to give her the$150.00 Spirithood( the auction at hand)

Although it should be obvious to treat people well, for some it isn’t.

I’m adverse to being identified as a hippie, but on this theology I can agree.

Because of the difference in attitudes of  these two ladies it caused me to see the differences and thus inspired me to write about it.

This micro event can easily reflect the bigger picture, which is: “you get what you give.”

  There is no reason to spread darkness, only light, even if your having a bad time.

Be kind to others as you don’t know the battle they’re fighting.”  -unknown

The reason this seemingly meaningless interaction meant so much was because  I was having a bad time, a very bad time making kindness all the more meaningful, even thru a computed message.



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The pursuit of happiness.


How can you be happy?

Isn’t that always the reason  that motivates people to do things?

Whether they be good actions or bad it’s the human condition.

Truth be told I spent the last year on depression meds,in therapy, spinning negative thoughts, etc etc.

However it is not impossible to be happy!

What I have found is that the less materialistic I become the more I enjoy  “real things,” like people,goals,and everyday.

If you wallow or dwell on things you wish you had you’ll be miserable.

Trust me because I’m speaking from experience.

If you don’t know my story(see here)at the time I had plenty to be miserable about due to fear and  worry.

Nevertheless even ,poor me has found many silver linings.

More recently I have been selling things  on ebay, that before I would have stored away to use “someday.

However, you know what?

I’ve been selling them off for half price and  saving the money for my future goals.

Those goals  once seemed impossible, but  spin that  to  think:”I’m possible!”

Once I put a more positive spin on things I began to see the good and find happiness.

I used to complain and cry a lot which I’m not afraid to admit.

I believe in being transparent,because if you aren’t how can people  get to know the  real you?

How can you go about making meaningful connections with other people?

I’ve come from being angry that all these bad things happened to an undeserving me, to  just wanting to share my story and love people.

In sum, the less you value objects and the more you love yourself and those who truly love you,happy  you will be!

Besides…..   remember the junk troll from the Labyrinth?

She had loads of things which piled into a burden on Her back and She was alone.

ablab167gI don’t think anyone wants to be or become a junk troll like that.

Finally,my unsolicited advice, do yourself a favor and sell those meaningless   objects,using the money towards your dream nothing is impossible.

“Strength does not come  from physical  capacity.It comes from  an indomitable will.”   -Mahatma Gandhi

                                           **Love&hope for dreams that come true**


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The Rust Belt Market




If you are a fan of, then welcome to its real life version in Ferndale,  Michigan. The Rust Belt Market  is a  good sized venue chock full of independent designers and sellers.

If your in the metro Detroit area at all, this place is worth a stop.

I found a couple  of treasures and  of course it’s always important to support  small&independent businesses.















dark brownleather cuff with vintage key closure by an amazing leather designer from Czechoslavakia, She had very unique leather clasps closures,and leather jewelry.

lemongrass sugar scrub,all natural from Bath SAVVY

The unique wares don’t stop there,check out these Scrabble game board floors at one vendors shop!













Another Vendor employed  a great use of pink wooden frames in her shop.


























If that isn’t enough for you,they have cake too!Armanda Herbert at Soul Seasonings whips up cakes from the caramel cake and whiskey sweet potato to the aptly named “lemon  cloud and all are delicious.






















A slice will run you 5  or  $7.00

For more information you can visit  The Rust Belt  Market Here.

Check out this video below! (pssst it’s down there…)

Just click this link please Madam or Mister     D.I.Y or die!

**Happy crafting and creating!**


Standing on a soapbox.

soapbox on google

                                   “Dying is easy,it’s living thats hard.” -unknown

I find this statement to be quite true at times.

Not just for me but for everyone on this earth.

Anyone can get on a soapbox with a bullhorn.

Except few people can command attention with it,despite their cries of indignation.

Through circumstance I have been given that authority,

likewise ,“With great power comes great responsibility,” as said by Stan Lee.

Through unexpected,and unplanned circumstances I’ve found myself primed for a soapbox.However small the audience,each person matters.The question begging an answer is,now that I’m here, what do I have to say?

While driving along to a concert with my family a thought occurred to me;Attempting to describe any singular great experience is akin to trying to fit music and the entirety of feelings it encompasses into a box.

Besides such an act seeming impossible, at times so has my recovery.

However, I have some good news it’s not impossible.My hopes besides a full recovery are to demonstrate what’s been given to me to others similarly in need of their own recipe to bring them through their troubles.No one person can fulfill this because its something we have to find on our own however other people, like the Cheshire Cat(Alice in Wonderland),can certainly help point the way.

Which direction will you choose? Well, that depends on which cat you encounter.

The best kind are positive,follow through with what they say,and are able to properly demonstrate love.

It is in love that I recommend blocking out the negative things of this world,

especially when faced with an important mission.

It is not enough to simply be alive, but to also actively live your life and share that lust for life with others.Because were all in this boat together.

Overall it has been these types of people that have built a human chain of sorts that has brought me through.

Humanity is like a chain link fence,were all together as one, if any link be weak,strengthen it.

How do you help the weak link? Just as you would a metal fence,build it back up.

Be it with words,inspiration,a hug,some physical help,or whatever the method it’s important to do it.

***When I was living in New York City I saw that negativity could spread throughout people almost like a cancer and physically exhaust you.

Now that I have been able to look back into it like a snow globe after returning from the brink of death,my hope is to be an inspiration,not only thru actions but in,interactions as well.

Each one of us is a walking,living story, in order to let other people read your book, you have to show them.

Nonetheless I am determined that where I’m headed is nowhere near where I came from.



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A new beginning.

What were you doing on October 12th 2012?
Well, I can tell you what I did because I had a massive stroke that day
while out of the city (NYC)for my job.

I was found unresponsive and very near death by a cleaning woman in my hotel bathroom.
I was then rushed to the very hospital I was working for.

                                                                 Below Photo: In Wilson Hospital  of New york in ICU


Seven blood clots,many cat scans,a med flight, and a few surgeries later here I am in present day time. It has been a year and a half of recovery from my personal war in a hospital in upstate New York (Wilson Hospital).

A team of healthcare professionals worked tirelessly to save me while I was surrounded by my family and friends praying to God for my life to be spared.
Against the odds it was spared and I survived.


I was flown to University of Michigan Hospital where I remained for 64 days
in in- patient rehab.      My Father and I during the medflight on Kalitta Air. (above)I  relearned how to walk again and built up  my strength  As well as re-learning things like reading,writing,reasoning,and conversation skills   with speech&language therapists.

It has been an unimaginable journey and it  still continues.

Now I have another “go-around.”

This time  I am not only smarter and more determined but also know how to go about things better,I’m thankful for that.

In conclusion, this has certainly highlighted the fragility and beauty of life for me.

At an all too young  age, I  have suffered what some do in very old age.

This has led me to appreciate different things.

As well as meet a slew of special people along the way.

Today I’m sitting at a beautiful  new desk  and typing on a new computer.

I still have physical problems and work to do.

However I know it will get better and continues to.

The world may think I’ve “lost.”

I beg to differ,I’ve gained more than most.









                               It’s  good to have manners in fact  as a child I spent  every Halloween being followed by a Mom that would yell “say thank you!” after each successful candy transaction from a stranger,so needless to say I had manners even on a holiday where you could be anonymous and rude if you so desired

That being  said, today while drinking my coffee and going thru updates I happily noticed ‘new followers!  So I just wanted to say welcome,Hello,and I promise to do my best to be  more interesting ha-ha

I plan on doing a design overhaul,but stay true to honest content,because life isn’t always pretty and I at least think people want substance not another  glossy magazine,on that note I encourage new,current,old,and to be readers to  feel free to give me some feedback and I promise I can take it I have been in my fair share of creative  critiques. 




Blogcademy Chicago 2014 Recap

Twig legs...

These boots were made for  bloggin’ Image:Shauna Haider @Nubby Twiglet  2014

 Dear Blogcademy,How do I love thee? Let me count the ways:

1)You encourage a sizable gathering of babes and creative  women.

2)You  make everything  have that  certain *sparkle*

3)You  even got theparents out of the house to venture to Chicago seeking your glitter covered guru guidance.

4)You  facilitate  networking among up and coming bloggers furthering a great community a.k.a  “tribe.

5)You have a “Brit Babe teaching too and I just love listening to that accent!

To make a long story short back in October 2012 I suffered a massive stroke  which caused me to miss Blogcademy NYC which I lamented for weeks upon realizing I had completely missed it.  however ,Lady Luck  paid me a visit, there was a second class  in  Chicago ! I HAD to go   but unfortunately  I had no money any more to attend so I decided to  apply for a scholarship, I then excitedly headed  to a craft store and picked everything out for my project and with fingers crossed and a hopeful heart …proceeded to create a  very cute scrapbook that followed my short essay- See Here

Well,much to my surprise I WON!

Hence followed a road trip to Chicago ,a dinner with local friends I had not seen in awhile and  class the next day

The class was held at a co-working space called Enerspace Chicago,    which  is perfect because it’s a place for start ups and those seeking to further themselves,a business,or an idea, it was a  lovely incubator to hatch  our collective blogging  dreams&schemes!

Much to popular belief bloggers and blogging is not just about “Look at me!Although “selfies can be fun… In fact it’s actually serious business and all three  “headmistresses run their blogs as such.

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Everything was covered in depth  from branding  to content to  marketing to  monetizing,even the legal side of taxes,contracts,and agreements.

Gala introduced herself as well as the others and told all the  “Blogcadettes where  things were located We might  need or want

After that intro it was time for each of us to do our  own and answer the following questions:

1)Who are you?

2)What defines you?

3)Is it a business or is it a hobby?(your blog)

4)What  else can you tell us about yourself?

Throughout class there were funny stories,laughs and of course good/fun music to each of our blogging activities&exercises

For being an 8 hour day it went by fast! Which to me indicates  it must have been good to feel so fast

I learned more than I thought,the “Headmistresses were available to answer any and all questions,as well as generally just chat about anything,they were gracious hosts!

Matching ears.Matching shirts.

Matching ears.Matching shirts.


Check out my friend  Erin’s site Here!



         ART SCHOOL DROPOUT   simply  cool.

LADYBIRD LIKES     yet more paper goodies

LIFE ON MARS VINTAGE    PinkCircle Marilyn Monroe scarves.

MAD BIJOU           Look at Her ” disco bullets…

LOVE IDEAS INK         lovely paper goods!

REETA KRISHNA  provided the indispensable WordPress for Beginners Book


CROWN AND GLORY        beautiful “crowns and sparkly ears too!

REETA KRISHNA  provided  indispensable WordPress for Beginners Book

B-TRIZ  COLLECTION  from across the pond…

In conclusion,I learned alot it was a fresh atmosphere   thats  an open forum for learning,sharing,networking,inspiration,and fun.I  can   saythat if your at all interested in blogging,head on over to Vimeo and look for Blogcademy for a sneak preview of what its  all about and I can promise you won’t be bored.




In conclusion I feel that it was time well spent for a sneak peek head on over to Vimeo and look up Blogcademy for a preview of what its about I believe if you have the blogging bug at all you’ll want to participate in class,and I can promise you won’t be bored.

*                                                                                           *Cheers!*



                                                                Above Photo: Ears away!(my lovely friend Erin&I )

                                             Goody Bag Swag Sponsors!         


My friend made us matching shirts!  Upwards&Onwards.Check out Her blog and illustration work

In conclusion,I found the two day  class to be jam packed with useful information as well as inspirational i.e. it got me pumped

I would certainly recommend it to anyone even mildly interested so, GO?

Each of the “Headmistresses were so sweet and thanked me,as well as hugs!

I appreciate&admire them not only as amazing bloggers but as rather cool people too.

Get Inspired and attend Blogcademy,seriously!


Post Script: Check out this Chicago Class Video Here

When I turned the big 3-0


When my 30th birthday was approaching,like most I was dreading it because I was not  where I wanted to be or should be in life,-BUT -on a day I  awoke quite cranky my mood was soon to be foiled,my family and friends threw me a surprise party that was Breakfast at Tiffany’s themed and just as pretty as  a bridal shower.

My mood went from cranky to shocked pretty quick and you know what   else?

Even though 30 is relatively young  I feel better than ever because not only am I  more comfortable with myself,I’m smarter and know what I want too.

If its wrinkles your dreading…fear not!

There is still plenty of time for that,not only do I  not have any but weigh less than I ever did too,so 30 isn’t so bad really and as for where I want to be in  life, it’s just a matter of time…….





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Changing Seasons…

Recently I sold my beloved Vespa…(see below)


Photo:2011 Upper East Side Manhattan after working a day at Memorial Sloan Kettering.

Credit:my friend Lesly!

I had dreamed of living in NYC and owning a Vespa since I was 16 years old,when I got both,realizing that,  I  cried.

As the story goes after 3 years of living in my favorite city I suffered a massive stroke which has sent me packing to recover in Michigan

Fearing I had lost everything,the reason my Vespa became ever more important to me was because it now symbolized dreams reached and possibly my dreams lost….


After a couple  of buyers inquired on it because now not being able to ride it and owing more on it than it was  worth I needed something I could use.Now the Vespa symbolized NYC,the freedom I had,my hard work&dreams,lots of good memories,and not to mention it is beautiful as seen below ha-ha



So instead since the funds from it were used to buy a new computer,it seems only fitting  to in turn use it to further write my story and of course  this isn’t goodbye forever  just for now.

As the song goes for everything there is a season



I’m just looking forward to my Summer returning and little by little it is !so far  one thing that has returned is Blogcademy NYC  I missed the class but this weekend I’ll be going to Blogcademy Chicago! AND for free!  Because  I  won a scholarship,so it did return and even better……





There will certainly be more things to come and perhaps even better!

In parting    “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.,















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