“Life is not a dress rehearsal, stop practicing what your going to do and just go and do it, you can transform today.” -Marilyn Grey
If your just shooting for average, your failing miserably. It’s an act of the foolish to compare oneself to others, or measure against them. It’s a ritual of mediocrity to compare with other people. you were created for something far bigger than you can imagine. The truth is that even if your doing well, there is more out there for you. A sense of dissatisfacion is a signal that your not fulfilling your purpose. It is when were doing what we were made for that fulfillment will be reached. Rather than surmise your doing well by measuring against what others are doing, why not take a different approach? What would happen if you aimed to be different or do better than everyone else instead? Also don’t shy away from proclaiming your big dreams to others, for fear of rejection or sounding silly. Fear is what limits us in many if not all ways. Don’t be afraid of what other people think, because it robs you of your potential. Even by simply proclaiming your dreams and aspirations out loud(no matter how “crazy”) you’ll see things begin to shift and your life will change. I’m fairly confident that no one in history who posessed a legendary last name settled for doing just as well as everyone else. Due to the mass practice of people comparing themselves to each other, it’s exactly why We see so few names that outshine the rest. This is a bad habit of humanity that needs to be broken. Not to mention, by escaping the comparison trap, you’ll focus more on your particular brand of potential,squelch the green monster(jealousy),and you might just find yourself in a niche of society. This would be an excellent occurrence, because then you will be like no one else. Which is the point of course, to be the one and only YOU.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk8eJh4i8Lo&w=560&h=315%5D
August 25, 2015 at 4:22 pm (10 years ago)“I’m fairly confident that no one in history who possessed a legendary last name settled for doing just as well as everyone else” – really amazing and insightful!!! I’d like to use this and give you the credit Leah!!! Excellent food for thought!
August 25, 2015 at 5:30 pm (10 years ago)Thank you Sue!💗