Everyone has a blog,reads a blog,or is currently the writer of one.A Google inquiry of how many blogs? Yields results in the millions like this one: On 16 February 2011, there were over 156 million public blogs in existence.
The internet has not only become a means of big business, but also a main facilitator of human communication and expression.Therein lies “the blog,” an omnipresent entity among the tech savvy movers and shakers.Not to mention the social butterflies, It is a great way to connect in an increasingly disconnected world. The one where everyone knew their neighbors seems to be a thing of our Grandparents day. Concerning all these personal gadgets and media I can recall one comedian’s observation ; “Thank you Apple for giving NewYorkers another way to ignore each other.” As a rule social interaction is not encouraged on the subway. It makes strangers uncomfortable. While I completely understand that,it seems this may be happening on an even larger scale.When faced with a lack of social interaction, it seems We have taken to writing creative letters in cyberspace to an invisible audience,if only in our minds. However I’ll admit I quite like having the ability to pass out well designed business cards that say “I’m a writer and I have a blog.” Therefore I must be interesting, right? I find, like many I’m sure that writing is cathartic.Whatever your reason, it’s a great way to spend your time! It’s certainly more productive then sleeping or being a couch potato that’s for sure.Personally I’m not doing it for money.Perhaps in the beginning I had grand delusions of using it as an additional source of income..That has since changed more into a means of personal satisfaction, and ultimately helping someone else.Furthermore have you heard of such glamorous workshops for more serious bloggers called Blogcademy!? I was unfortunate enough to miss the very first one, but caught one in Chicago(see here!) which was great and fun.Being a fan of creative things I find blogging to be enjoyable and like the ability to change things around like it’s silly putty.Not to mention I take satisfaction in knowing that my ex boyfriend’s blog is not as interesting nor as well designed(Ha!) that gives me some odd sort of revenge.Although, revenge aside it’s creating a whole community, and were seeing things like bloggers being invited to fashion shows,being tapped into promoting a brand,and even gaining large followings and internet fame much like some Youtubers.At any rate,I say let the bloggers blog!
Cheers and Happy blogging!,