Archive of ‘Life’ category

Don't look back in anger.


You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.”


Why me!? Well, why not me? This is the question and answer many  give themselves, who have suffered a catastrophic event or injury. It’s undoubtedly understandable to be angry in such  bad circumstances. However, it’s not always helpful or healing. While anger can help you break out of something(depression)or help you overcome it,it  can also hold you back. Anger can anchor you in the past, or create unrest in your heart and mind. What you believe in is very powerful and  will dictate the direction in which your life  goes. Therefore, play  the right mental movies for yourself. Films that portray you as the victor, times of happiness, and  positive plot lines. These  mental movies can stir up  courage, hope, and strength  or place fear and doubt in your heart. When the movies that you play yourself are the opposite of fear and doubt, it opens the door for peace to enter your mind and heart. “A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body”(Prov. 14:30nlt). If you find yourself in a hospital bed don’t take the situation lying down. Instead,  screen films in your mental movie theatre of  improving health, happy moments, and the day of your eventual discharge. Also, when dealing with a sickness be careful not to get anchored in the past for too long. Instead, keep your thoughts positive, the movies victorious, and your eyes forward.  Your dreams can and will become a reality  with a positive, and strong attitude. Not to mention, dreams don’t have to remain in the  thought realm, dreams and life are meant  to be experienced!

cheers and onward!


New year, no fear.


“Don’t let your fear of what could happen, make nothing happen.” -unknown

   How likely  is it that  what you fear will come true?  It’s good to ask yourself these questions. Is this true? Is it  factual?  Do I know what the future holds? By asking yourself these questions, your  fear will soon  hold  little weight in your mind. Because, many of our fears have no real power and many aren’t steeped in reality. The likelihood that your fear will come true is slim to none.   In the movies that  you play in your mind are you the victim or the victor? Decide  to see yourself healthy, wealthy, and  victorious.Not to mention, you can control your fear, it doesn’t control you nor dictate your future. In 2016 we will have  365 days and 8,760 hours of time to fill as we choose, don’t let fear cause you to waste any of it! This new year signifies a fresh start  for all of us around the world. It holds new goals, new  possibilities, new opportunities, and new horizons!   Among these things, in the United States, many  set for themselves New Year’s resolutions. However,  many resolutions while they have strong beginnings eventually  taper off into the dust bin of forgotten.  So many people are pre-occupied with body image and health, they forget about  their mental health. Rather then resolve  to eat healthier, why not resolve to think healthier? Part of that is to shed the thoughts   and feelings preventing you from your full potential.   Not enough of us are told that we can set  our own limits, as well as  break them. One of the biggest  offenders is fear  and his sidekick doubt. These two combined have  paralyzed many ideas  in their  infancy as well as the people who originated them. Too often they plant the seeds of failure in your mind, that then bloom into invisible walls. It’s the fearless who  find ways over the walls and meet their dreams on the other side. What ever it is you’d like to do, or the goal that you wish to meet, you can achieve it. Choose to shed fear rather then pounds at the gym. Without the weight of it holding you down, you’ll be so light, that reaching the stars will  naturally become possible.

shoot for the moon!


Happy Holidays


“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”      -Dalai Lama

“ So this is Christmas and what have you done?” asks a pensive  John Lennon in his song also known as Happy Xmas(War  is Over.


With the upcoming holidays and the world on the brink of what seems like another war, this 1963 song seems eerily relevant today. Around the globe the coming of the new year is met with  holiday celebrations and the symbolism of a fresh start. Instead of looking back, consider the future rather then harbor any regrets,  and instead make up your mind to change them  as you move forward. The impending holidays also bring to the forefront of people’s minds the spirit of  altruism. While We can’t all spend our days giving 100% of ourselves to charity, We can at least vow to be a  positive influence on ourselves and others, rather then a  negative one. As humans it’s all too easy to be self centered, and our  selfishly motivated decisions can sometimes hurt others.  What many people don’t fully realize is that in helping others you actually help yourself too. Therefore in giving you’re also receiving, it’s a win-win situation! As  the new year brings with it renewed motivation for personal goals, why not with it a new vision? A vision that is geared more towards equality, peace, positivity, and altruism. The consideration We have for the good of mankind should be in the forefront more then once a year, or  only reserved for when a tragedy strikes. The  larger question that looms is  “Can  these  things be brought about  on a regular basis, rather then just by Santa Claus or  new year resolutions?” The good news is that you don’t have to wait for someone else to answer this question, because you can. Each of us has a choice everyday rather then just once a year to   pursue  dreams, set new goals, be a positive influence , and  to help others. Don’t just meet each new year with  zest and motivation but how about each new day?

Tomorrow is new   and cheers!



heart of a lion

“The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.” -unknown.

I’m not courageous it’s just that sometimes that’s your only choice. There are two types of people when the situation becomes dire, there are those that will  let the wave of bad circumstance overcome them, and  those that will choose to overcome the circumstance. Rather then hide from the world it is better to go out and meet it. Everyday you engage  with and enjoy life  is a battle won. You have to fight  many small  battles before you can win the whole thing. In facing your fears and choosing to  be seen rather then invisible you’ll find healing. Those who have made their namesake last throughout history did so by jumping into the unknown, facing their fears, and choosing to stand up when others sat  down. The best stories are when the underdog or  the “little guy,” come out on top. However, we often forget  that many of those stories are true. We love those stories, because at one point or another we’ve all been that character. When faced with a giant monster of a problem, in our fear we forget that monsters can be killed. Rather then letting the wave of doom and gloom pull you under, why not  choose to ride it onto better things instead?    You  should  dictate the situation(or illness) and not let the situation dictate you. Even when  outwardly everything seems against you, you can choose to see your way out of it. The human spirit is indomitable. Just as a talented musician plays their instrument, it does not play them. When I’ve met those with a warrior soul, they’re people that  saw a bad circumstance as a challenge, and sought to  beat it.

it’s only a challenge!

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1940s-Dance-Party-vintage-photo“Faith is the  substance of things hoped for, and the evidence  of things not seen.”

Everyday you’re  free is cause for  a celebration. We are so accustomed to  our innate abilities to roam where We’d like  and do what We want that it is completely taken for granted. Most of us  have no knowledge of what it’s like to be limited. However, when you  actually experience  being limited, freedom becomes appreciated and tangible. Many of us don’t know what it  actually feels like to be free, even though We are everyday. The first time I felt  the true rush of freedom, I just stood there soaking it in and enjoyed the moment for  as long as I could.  For what has  seemed like an eternity, I have not been alone or free to roam where I please.  As it turns out  there is nothing to fear in being alone, because We aren’t and  it is refreshing to have a moment to yourself. How many times  did I wander unrestrained, and be completely unaware of what a privilege it  was?  After  enduring real limitations,  you realize the  value  of freedom and  why you need to break through those limitations. How many people place limitations on themselves that are  not only invisible but also unnecessary? When you have  complete freedom, of thought and in movement there is no reason or place for limitations. You have the freedom to travel, to choose, and to move(some do not. Choose the light over the dark,what  you feed  into is what grows. Delight in your blessings and abilites, and for God sake do not remain stagnant or still! If you asked a man who  was wheelchair bound what He wants to do most, He’d  likely tell you “run.” Therefore, run don’t walk past  any limitations and certainly don’t place any on yourself!

run, don’t walk and cheers!


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On art and being human.

“No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist.” -Oscar Wilde.

How often is it   that you  find a person whom you’ve never met  that changes your life ? Even if it’s for only a day, it’s strange to think that  even those so close to you now, were once not in existence to your knowledge. Stranger still, is the strong impact a perfect stranger can have on you through the power of human expression. We’re all connected by an invisible tapestry of  networks, real or imagined. It’s through these networks and artistic merits, that  through time and space, the presence of another  can be felt. It is  in doing these these things, writing, painting, music, and theatre that  our personal or private life experiences become a shared one. Whether it’s through   the sonic landscape(music) the written word,film, or  the visual arts, it helps to know were not alone. You can find traces of  a shared human experience, woven  throughout  the artistic tapestry.  While technology has seemingly connected us in ways as never before, it cannot compare to the authentic emotions that are brought forth by a moving piece of art. We are one of the few creatures that possess the ability to create, and even fewer still possess the raw talent to bring  forth  a strong  piece that  speaks to our  souls. Each of us have our own particular brands of artistic expression, as unique as our fingerprints. It’s nearly impossible to explain art, because it is as broad as the ocean  is deep. What brings about “good art?”  The answer is simple, inspiration. An inspiration, that funnily enough comes from being exposed to the artistic expressions of another human being. This is where  the interconnectedness of the  human experience becomes all too apparent. For without each other  there  is no inspiration. The cogs  of the human machine come to a halt without the oil of inspiration to keep them turning. This is why We blog, why we create, and most importantly share. All these beautiful things are made in  an effort to grasp something real, in a sometimes very fake and chaotic  world.   Through the act of creating, were  bringing comfort to ourselves in knowing  we’re not alone, and at the same time reaching out our  proverbial hands in order to join them together. Therefore, run, jump, play, be wild, free, and most importantly, don’t cease creating.

Nice to “meet,” you.


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Knights Wanted.


“True success is overcoming the fear of being unsuccessful”-Paul Sweeney.

If you’ve subscribed to  fail before you’ve even begun, your already a loser. Unfortunately people inherently enjoy seeing others fail. Therefore, this planet  has a serious lack of one key component for growth, and that  is the benefit of encouragement. All too often people  believe what they’re told they cannot do or achieve. Perhaps I’m disillusioned but I find   having the attitude of completely ignoring these naysayers allows you to  move forward, rather than remain stagnant. If you want to witness  a place that has the largest  amount of untapped potential, you should visit a graveyard. Because this defeatist attitude some people acquire is deadly, and can last a lifetime.  Consider all those people that believed they couldn’t, thus remaining a vessel carrying  about large amounts of untapped potential. All of us are capable of achieving our dreams in the face of adversity(whatever that may be. Your more than just a person, but also an overcomer! Against the odds and even logic, by adopting this attitude you can be a force of positive change. Whether  that change is in your own life or others, don’t hesitate to be stubborn or steadfast in the belief that you can reach your goal. In  fact don’t think that  setting the bar high is unachievable for you. Because, as evidenced by reaching my own bar(see here) it definitely is not! This is why it’s so crucial to be in an environment of support, love, and positivity.  Where  there is  strife and negativity, that little voice in your head espousing failure is  free to run wild. Sadly, most people won’t believe that they can overcome the odds until they’ve either   a) done it or b) grown up in a supportive environment. However, if you  don’t believe me, I offer up my own story as proof positive that you can indeed and  will overcome the  battles of life when you adopt the right attitude   and belief.

Cheers and onward!


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Brooklyn or Bust

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“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” ― J.K.Rowling.

It wasn’t all that long ago(or so it seems) that I  had a daydream, which like most daydreams seemed unlikely to happen.  While I wobbled along  in a rehab building on an indoor track, relearning  how to walk my mind wandered to a less dismal place. For motivation, I would imagine myself walking across the Brooklyn Bridge(my favorite) towards  a  more joyful  and better place than my current reality. At the time walking at all was a feat, much less completing over a mile walk across an iconic bridge that was over 600 miles away from where I was. Just like  hope can pull you out of a dark place; having a daydream can pull you forward towards your goal. It’s so important that you be around and supported by people who don’t find your daydreams to be preposterous. When you share your vision, it’s wonderful to be met with  a vote of confidence, offers of help, or even those who treat it as a perfectly normal statement. Your dreams will have a harder time of  being born  into reality, if they’re planted in harsh soil. Therefore, share them with those that will encourage and help them to grow. Once I built up the endurance to walk a long distance, I then needed the funds to make the trip. Through an online fundraiser and with the help of a number of friends

imageand family, I  was able to  raise enough money  to take the trip to Brooklyn. Not to mention ride Jane’s Carousel!


The support  not  only financially, but emotionally helped bring a baby daydream to its full term reality. Without  the backing from  the numerous people that believed in me, my daydream would’ve withered away.  On my own I could not have reached my goal. This is proof positive  of how important it is to plant your dreams in fertile soil. The seeds born from your imagination, do best in supportive soil. Therefore,  keep them safe from the thorny grounds of disbelief,negativity, worry and  doubt. I  am very fortunate to have had so much support. It is because of that, I can now tell you  I walked all 1.1 miles of the Brooklyn Bridge with those very same supporters. Of course I imagehad to leave  a memento, so I made my own love lock(see here)image for the occasion. Nothing is impossible my dears.

-cheers and plant in good soil!


good food, good places.

 I Thought I’d do something a little different, and give you all a new “taste,” of this blog(pun intended.


First on  the platter is Rue 57  New York.  with a deliciously rich atmosphere,and it’s fair share of celebrity sightings it’s no wonder this  midtown Manhattan  eatery is  full of patrons.                                                

                                             Rue 57 offers  everything  from brunch to sushi, the service is attentive and  timely. The presentation of the food is lovely, and more importantly everything is prepared perfectly at this French American Brasserie in the heart of the city. The kitchen, overseen by chef Rich Robson churns out  dishes  from eggs florentine  or  brioche french toast to duck ala orange, and bread pudding. There isn’t much you can’t get at this delectable dining spot.

#2)The Dor-Stop Restaurant, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.


If you prefer quaint and homey to rich and fancy this place should be your second stop!

The Dor-Stop Restaurant in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania is a breakfast fan favorite.

The atmosphere  is casual and feels more like  your home town diner, even if your from out of town. Don’t discriminate it based on looks alone however. Famous for being featured on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives, this place packs a punch for your tastebuds into it’s tiny booths. The coffee is warm and the rasberry french toast is sweet. Not to mention, the prices are reasonable and their breakfast  selection is hard to beat.

In keeping with the home town vibe, if yours is in Poland then your sure to love this next place!

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#3) Podhalanka in Chicago, has  an old world with a  circa 1956 Poland feel. It’s a  Polish diner owned   for a quarter of a century by a woman from Krakow,and located in the city’s old Polish Triangle. Yet another quaint  place, serving up authentic home cooked Polish meals.

For a more coastal(and warm) atmosphere, let’s head to Half Moon Bay in California.

Here in this serene and beautiful space you’ll find Sam’s Chowder House.

#4) Sam’s Seafood Market and restaurant  at Half Moon Bay, Palo Alto California.


You know a place is good when a television show( Good Morning America) on the opposite side of the country reports on their food. In this case it’s the best lobster rolls I and many others have possibly ever had. The internet is rife with recipes trying to duplicate it’s greatness. However, nothing is quite like the real thing. Not to mention  the location and atmosphere, is  well worth the drive to this seaside Seafood Market and restaurant on the Pacific Ocean. The views are glorious, the fare(in this case sea creatures) are fresh and the price is also reasonable.

Speaking of  our fishy friends, get ready for some of the best sushi and it’s stateside!(go America,go)

#5) Totoro Sushi Ann Arbor, Michigan.



imgresNot only  does this artistic(former very hippie)town offer good shopping,and tasty drinks but great sushi too! They have a variety of rolls and they’re always fresh. A personal favorite of mine is the yam-yam roll(hello sweet potato goodness!) If your not a local, no need to worry as it’s easy to find, right off of State street and next to an Urban Outfitters(I did say shopping didn’t I?

If you like shopping, then you know about New York City. However, your probably unaware of a lesser known(and equally great) place that’s just a hop skip, or a   zipcar away.


#6) The Frog and the Peach, New Brunswick New Jersey. This place boasts all of the swank(valet parking anyone) with none of the attitude. Not just the  main  entrees are delicious, but so is the bar. During happy hour(4:30-6:30) you can enjoy bar food such as mini croissant wrapped kobe beef hot dogs(so good!) with a delicious drink. Not bad at all for a swanky place such as this. Even though it’s off the beaten path from New York, don’t discount the possibilities New  Jersey has to offer. As well as it’s lesser known delicious dining  destinations.

Last but not least some yummy eats that are far from the East!

#7) Boudin Bakery and Cafe.

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Ah San Fransisco,

Your hills,your  iconic bridge,the flower children,and the salty air in your yeast!?  Yup, the San Fransisco air does something a little bit  special to it’s famous sour dough bread. Which is why you should try some while your there. Enter Boudin Bakery and Cafe. These can be found dotted around San Fransisco and serving up it’s tasty bread along with soups and sandwiches. Move over Panera, because here comes your  laid back and hipper older sibling.

Cheers! live well and eat well,


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“We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”

-Bill Gates.

You can’t wait for other people to step up and be nicer than you. Why not just  take it upon yourself to  be a good person? As a long time buyer and seller on Ebay I’ve noticed some people won’t give you feedback until you give them a review.  If everyone on Ebay did this no one would have  any feedback! This apparent practice by some people exposes a selfishness among the community and people in general. If We all  waited on another person to be more kind then We are, all of us would be at some sort of stand still.    The majority of people are not all  that nice, although they have the capacity to be. Not everyone will go out of their way for you. Therefore, why not let yourself be the  one to make the first move, even if  others choose to stand still. The mob mentality is a very real thing, if  none of us broke from the crowd, nothing would progress or change. Throughout my recovery it has been the good samaritans or those willing to  take notice of others needs around them, that have helped me the most.Simply put, things would cease to function if no one was willing to  step out and

have a  less self centered perspective. Or if We only helped others because they helped us. Likewise if We only gave to receive. You aren’t always going to get something in return and that’s okay. The satisfaction We feel from giving becomes marred, if We only do it expecting something in return. The spirit of giving is one of love and selflessness. If our motivation is to get something back for it, We simply turn it into a meaningless exchange, like buying   goods from a  store. The  World needs more people that are willing to step out from the crowd, even if it makes them feel uncomfortable or vulnerable. Usually if something creates discomfort in you, then that’s a good sign that you’re on the right track. Because comfort zones rarely breed progress or large successes.

Cheers and get more uncomfortable!


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