October 2015 archive

if you're able.


“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”

-Dalai Lama.

Do both of your hands function? I have often daydreamed about what I would do if both of mine did, because currently my left hand does not. I think I would take up knitting, complicated needle point, scrub  the entire floor with a tiny toothbrush, and finally  find every excuse to use my hands. When you have  an ability naturally,  it’s taken for granted. If only We all realized how amazing  having them truly is. We would all be  much more grateful, and  eager to use our abilities.  Also, it’s likely that We’d look for opportunities to be able to use them.  Many of these opportunities, would be in helping those that do not have the same abilities.  Being aware of these things now, I know  in  the  past  that I would’ve been much more charitable and helpful towards my fellow man. Just as John Lennon imagined an enlightened World so do I. However, my wish is that everyone would fully realize what a gift they have and share it amongst each other. If that happened, I imagine there would be no need for charity  or as many costly social programs. The level of people helping each other would dramatically  increase. Just imagine if We met each day as zealous as Scrooge  on Christmas morning. What kind of  dreams would be  realized if We were aware of  our innate abilities and gifts?  Even more so  if We  shared them, culminating into a  collective good that We all  benefitted from. There are times each of us  can recall  of not going out of our way to help someone. If We were aware of how incredible our abilities to function normally really are, very few things would be considered as “going out of the way.” Instead  helping others would just be a normal part of life.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLgYAHHkPFs&w=420&h=315%5D

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On art and being human.

“No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist.” -Oscar Wilde.

How often is it   that you  find a person whom you’ve never met  that changes your life ? Even if it’s for only a day, it’s strange to think that  even those so close to you now, were once not in existence to your knowledge. Stranger still, is the strong impact a perfect stranger can have on you through the power of human expression. We’re all connected by an invisible tapestry of  networks, real or imagined. It’s through these networks and artistic merits, that  through time and space, the presence of another  can be felt. It is  in doing these these things, writing, painting, music, and theatre that  our personal or private life experiences become a shared one. Whether it’s through   the sonic landscape(music) the written word,film, or  the visual arts, it helps to know were not alone. You can find traces of  a shared human experience, woven  throughout  the artistic tapestry.  While technology has seemingly connected us in ways as never before, it cannot compare to the authentic emotions that are brought forth by a moving piece of art. We are one of the few creatures that possess the ability to create, and even fewer still possess the raw talent to bring  forth  a strong  piece that  speaks to our  souls. Each of us have our own particular brands of artistic expression, as unique as our fingerprints. It’s nearly impossible to explain art, because it is as broad as the ocean  is deep. What brings about “good art?”  The answer is simple, inspiration. An inspiration, that funnily enough comes from being exposed to the artistic expressions of another human being. This is where  the interconnectedness of the  human experience becomes all too apparent. For without each other  there  is no inspiration. The cogs  of the human machine come to a halt without the oil of inspiration to keep them turning. This is why We blog, why we create, and most importantly share. All these beautiful things are made in  an effort to grasp something real, in a sometimes very fake and chaotic  world.   Through the act of creating, were  bringing comfort to ourselves in knowing  we’re not alone, and at the same time reaching out our  proverbial hands in order to join them together. Therefore, run, jump, play, be wild, free, and most importantly, don’t cease creating.

Nice to “meet,” you.


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Warning: Perspective changes ahead.


“True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen.”

-Francois de La Rochefoucauld.
Is my life better since I almost died? I don’t think so, or at least I didn’t see the value or purpose of the last three years. I believed that  I would’ve been enjoying life more (and having successes, and had plans) had the ordeal not occurred. How true it is that life happens while your making other plans.  However, there is still gold to be found amongst utterly horrible unenviable circumstances. When life attempts to knock you out, you have to come back at it with fists flying. Even though you may  be weary, there is still strength to be found in the indomitable human spirit. Even professional fighters with bashed in faces can still see. I’ve come to find that material belongings have no real value in the big picture. Money itself is  just paper. It is not material goods, not  gossip, social status, some daft guy, nor pridefulness. Instead it is the people and relationships that come to your aid. Nothing brings about true gems like a death defying situation, or dire need. It is those   people who remain in your corner of the ring, that are priceless. How they shine in the noon day sun of love to be seen from miles around. It is those that  stay in your corner, the friends, and vehement supporters that deserve  your recognition and time. Therefore, don’t wait until  you nearly die to see them for what they are.
-Cheers wherever you are,

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