Posts Tagged ‘slave’

tell me what you want


Do you really need to burden yourself down with another material item? For the majority of Americans, and females, shopping could be considered a sport. However, it’s a shame to live in a society that espouses material gain as being so desirable. If you have ever seen the movie Shopoholic, that was me. If you haven’t, I can sum it up for you. Girl lives in New York City,

purchases  way too many unnecessary objects, goes into major debt, realizes it’s a sham,and makes a major life change, this is also me.

images-6I cringe when I  see the outrageous prices of things that people are all too willing to purchase. For example, a pretty book of eyeshadow selling for nearly $90.00! (on Ebay)   My goodness, you only have one face, how much makeup do you really need for it!? The more you own, the more you become a slave to  your belongings. Most of the time, the things you want aren’t  really what you need.


For some more wealth brings more security. However, that’s nearly akin to worshipping your stuff. If your not careful, you could begin to make material objects or money your God. Not to mention  this type of God brings with it bondage, and can enslave you. The more  wisdom I get on what really matters, the less and less material items hold value  to me. Because, in the big picture, I’d rather have complete health than a brand new beautiful bag. If it isn’t serving you, but rather your serving it, it’s time to reconsider buying it in the first place. You work hard for the money, so make it work for you. Besides, that money truly does look better in the bank than on your  arm or feet. When life hits you with a reality slap, suddenly all those things that once were desired, tend to be put into perspective. Money is a tool, not something to be subservient to. Indeed credit cards will certainly make you a slave as well. This is an oft quoted and followed scripture-

Romans 13:8(KJV)       Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.   This is great advice for  us all, because debt can only weigh you  down. Therefore, avoid debt and you will certainly feel lighter. This applies to material goods as well, because the less you have, the less burden will be on your back Instead of immediate gratification( or short term) consider the long term and your future goals.

keep your goals in mind!


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