Posts Tagged ‘Gremlins’

Suggestions? Comments? Concerns?


“To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others.”-Albert Camus.

I’ve had this blog for two years now and what started out as a blog about  my life in New York City has turned into a story about beating the odds.However, one thing is missing and that’s YOU!  Dear readers since my blog is becoming more popular(or so I’d like to think) one thing I want to know is what you would like to see more of less of etcetera,and your feedback too of course! This will never be a closed comments blog.Honestly I have been in my fair share of constructive criticism sessions in my art classes,I can take it(ha-ha)people!

Therefore don’t be shy take advantage of the anonymity of the world wide web and let it fly(just be constructive.)


**Cheers and mogwai ears**


P.S this is a Mogwai aka Gizmo————->

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