About a Boy

holding hands“Sometimes heartbreak is a lesson, the best thing to do is just learn the lesson.” – Jon Voight.

Since the eponymous holiday  of St.Valentine is upon  us, this led me to reflect upon past loves.One cannot avoid  this holiday as it announces itself  in  a  flurry  of  pink,red, hearts, and candy in every convenience store as soon as February  draws near.I guess Love just cannot wait!  Normally this holiday comes and goes with an eye roll   and “anti- Valentines Day,”cards  mailed  to friends  from me. Instead, in anticipation  of it I thought about  the  subject  of heartbreak(that and the great decor’ this time of year) I admit, I have a difficult time letting go.The  biggest regret  I have  of this is the time wasted spent talking about, thinking about,or crying about someone who was simply not worth it. A good friend of mine  once told me “Don’t waste your time on a man(in this case boy) who is not strong enough to jump the hurdles with you.” This is good advice for a couple of reasons, one, look for those on your playing level and two,  time is precious. I’m no expert but I do know the best things I did when in this sad state were going out and pursuing what made  me happy and healthy(yay for rad friends!) Unfortunately  though for some it is true that no one can complete you.However, if you learn how to love yourself(start HERE!) you’ve already won.While you shouldn’t resign yourself to lone wolf status forever, you’ll be better off(and healthier) if you can carry your own.It’s a win-win situation to be and feel whole in yourself.We all deserve a person that recognizes how wonderful we are.Do  the things that  you enjoy,fulfill  you, and that truly enrich your life it  will only  serve you for the best. As they say “The best revenge is living well.” Besides when you do  meet the person who is worthy of your time it will be all the better if they find you to be a happy and whole  person all on your  own.When your on  life’s  path to the top of the mountain to conquer it(whatever yours may be) the best thing is to meet a fellow traveler who is also  on their way up too and can  keep you company on the way there.This year go on a date with your best friend,be it a boy or girl! 🙂

Safe Travels this holiday!


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