Love may not be tangible, but the objects that result from it are. I can look around me and see gifts from each person that loves me. They adorn my walls, my desk space, and take up residence in my record cabinet! Each object is a token of love from an irreplaceable human. However, not all of these seemingly ordinary people are human, some of them are angels. Indeed one of these creatures was actually my nurse while I was sedated in the ICU. She prayed over me, sang the same songs, and today we share the same understanding. Much like a palindrome, where there are words hidden within, and it’s understood in both directions, an invisible river of a s shared experience runs between us that ties us together. We knew nothing of each other before She walked into my room, but that didn’t matter to Her, nonetheless She was going to put 200% of Herself into caring for me. Even now, I don’t believe I fully grasp the gravity of my situation in 2012. I have since learned that I was discovered on the floor gasping for breath in agony(a sign of a brain in the process of dying) and needed to be resuscitated. This was the state from which a team of humans(and many angels) were tasked with bringing me back from. I was on the brink of death, and they weren’t going to let me completely fall! During the time that I spent in a coma, I wish I could recall something, anything. However, that time instead is one big blank in the continuum of my timeline. While I lay unaware of my surroundings, the people that were there to observe felt the pain for me. Therefore, they experienced it just as much(if not more) then I did! Because of this lapse in consciousness, I’m discovering my own story as if it is happening for the first time. It’s a rather weird thing to have had such an earth shattering experience, but not to recall it. As many of the details that I’ve missed, I certainly have not failed to recognize the key players in my tale. Although, my story nearly ended in total tragedy, now that I’m awake(and alive) to take over the narrative you can bet I’ll have a happy ending. Life is what you make of it!