“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” -Mother Teresa.
There is a secret to my success besides persistence, perseverance, and an excellent support system. Although those are certainly the main ingredients, there’s a secret one. And here it is. You need to learn how to rebuke! According to its definition, rebuke means; To express sharp disapproval or criticism of(someone) because of their behavior or actions. Who should you rebuke? Well, everyone, or anyone that sets themselves against your forward movement in life. The biggest offenders are….*drumroll please* doctors. I don’t condone avoiding them, but I do condone not letting them have the final word. When you receive a bad report, it is not the final report. Don’t you dare let fear creep in and limit your life according to what they say. If I or my family put an ounce of belief into the doctor’s report, I’d be a total vegetable being pushed around in a chair, suffer from severe fatigue, not recall my Parents faces, and so on. These are just a few of the things that were “supposed,” to happen according to the doctor’s report. Guess what? NONE of them did! Don’t just sit back and roll with a negative diagnosis. That storyline doesn’t have to be part of your book. We all have choices. Therefore, choose to be happy over sad, peace over drama and gossip, calm over frantic, and finally choose life over a report of death. It is death to accept a negative report as fact. While it’s true the sky is blue, it’s actually sunlight being filtered through millions of water droplets that are hanging in the air. You too can be a filter through which only love, health, and happiness come out on the other side. You just have to catch all that junk that tries to settle within you and bring you down. Cheers to no fear!