“Isn’t it the moment of most profound doubt that gives birth to new certainties? Perhaps hopelessness is the very soil that nourishes human hope; perhaps one could never find sense in life without first experiencing its absurdity.”- Vaclav Havel.
When a horrendous situation is thrust upon us, we often lament “Why me!?” However, a better question is “Why not me?’ Terrible things happen every day to guilty and innocent people alike. Each of us at birth were not promised a problem free life. In fact quite the opposite as our new Parents worried increasingly as we grew up. Because, at that moment they knew what we didn’t; that life is difficult and dangerous. Therefore, they sought to protect us as best as they could without confining us solely to the house. It’s not a question of why did it happen, but since it has how will you react to it? What will you do under the circumstances? Will this reveal your character or diminish it? Some people believe in fate, that our lives have been pre-orchestrated for us. This is not so, life is a series of choices no matter how small. The choices we make continuously throughout life culminate into our circumstance. When those choices are taken away and we find ourselves in a bad circumstance, we still have choices. When bad things happen it’s easy to give in, but ultimately at some point we must choose to get out. You can take steps no matter how small(mentally or physically) to escape your bad circumstance. When I first was injured the last thing I wanted to do was get out of my warm comfortable bed for therapy or a painfully early doctor appointment. Except I pushed through and did it anyway. At that point I had no choice but to get better, because I was starting from the lowest point reached in my life . Each day you make the choice to get better your adding to the bank of your future and making it brighter. Your seemingly small action is priceless and will culminate into better days ahead. So, have heart brave soldier and carry on. I promise you won’t regret it!
keep on keepin’ on!