“If you don’t have wings, create them.”
― Bangambiki Habyarimana, The Great Pearl of Wisdom.
Today, a new record was quietly accomplished in a corner of the globe rarely heard of. Three once unrelated strangers gathered in friendship, and one amazing personal journey was thrusted ever forward to the “finish line.” While the rest of the world hummed along minding its own business, I was excitedly(and happily) checking one more daydream off my to do list. Just like most personal goals it was of little importance to everyone else, except in this particular case I was accompanied by others that understood the importance of such a day. Many of us are skilled at rationalizing our way out of doing something. When in truth, we need to be rationalizing our way into more things! There is no reason you cannot accomplish what you dream of. As they say, where there’s a will there is a way. By working through seemingly insurmountable circumstances with gritted teeth and a rock solid resolve, I have found that to be absolutely true. You see, what we aren’t told enough growing up is that we can do anything. Be weary of those who tell you any different. Ultimately, the people that believe in you as much as you believe in yourself, will walk right alongside you during the race.
above: My two pillars of support during the race Early on(when I was injured) there were questions of my ability to walk well again if at all, and much less trek a mile! However, with tremendous support and blessings I’ve done just that twice now. Both times were events that originally had been dreamed up in my mind.
above girl in tutu:Tropicolor, color run. the happiest 5k on the planet!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APGRVvRBLrw&w=560&h=315%5D
Even if I completed each goal slowly, the point was to complete it at all and soak up the fact that dreams do(and can) come true. Especially when you put your best foot forward and your mind to it. Therefore, be careful of what you tell yourself and who you listen to. Because, whatever words are spoken get eaten up by our heart. Certainly, your heart deserves only the best things that life has to offer, so don’t let it consume words that will harm it! Find wind to carry you where there is none, and fly high even when others want you to stay low.
Moving Forward
July 21, 2016 at 2:26 am (9 years ago)So awesome you did the color run! So happy that you have a great support system! You are very blessed!
July 21, 2016 at 2:29 am (9 years ago)Thank you, I certainly am! I share my story as much as possible, in hopes of helping others. However, it helps me too.😊 I’m very lucky to have such amazing friends.💗