“Instruction does much, but encouragement does everything.” -unknown.
We all need encouragement to accomplish our dreams, pursue a goal, lose weight, or simply just to be assured that were doing okay. Throughout my recovery I have met many a cheshire cat(Alice in Wonderland) that helped to point the way and encourage me I was on the right path. In particular one of them happened to be a child. Since children are unencumbered by the burdens of adults and can see more clearly, I certainly took his words as wise. I found myself in the sanctuary of a church in Redding California(long story) it was Bethel Church to be exact. It was here amid music and a general strong sense of God in the room, that I was approached by two young children with an adult. They proceeded to kindly bring me out of my thoughts, and with the young boy holding a piece of paper in hand, began to explain that they were looking for me all morning. I was completely unaware that while I was carrying out my day, somewhere a child held some encouragement for me in his hands. Just a few weeks prior I had tried to walk on a treadmill and it went badly, because I found that I could not really do it. What ensued was a lot of discouragement, due to that perceived failure. However, when the little boy turned that piece of paper over, it was to change. I was told that in the morning during prayer, He received a picture and decided to draw it. They had been looking all morning to find the person whom it was for, and upon seeing me He found the pictures intended recipient. Now what could possibly be on this paper for me? a treadmill!
On the back of this picture He wrote simply the word “legs,” in quotations and went on to explain what the picture meant. The treadmill brought with it the message to keep going, not to give up, and that I would be healed soon. Just when one could begin to feel forgotten, here was some divine intervention. I don’t believe in coincidences, so for me this clearly wasn’t one. With my mouth slightly ajar it became evident to me that there is always someone looking out for you. Sometimes it feels as though your the only one struggling, or that your alone. However, as evidenced by this picture your not forgotten and there is always hope. A new development in my recovery, is that I have been able to walk on the treadmill(same one I failed at before. The picture is now framed in front of it. This story is for everyone as a simple reminder that you are not alone nor forgotten. Wherever there is dark shine a light.
Gr'ma Fay
August 31, 2015 at 1:00 am (10 years ago)Thank you Leah, for the encouragement of the day. I’m getting ready to go back to the hospital tomorrow, leaving here @ 4 AM, Yikes! This blog is well fitting for what’s going to be done for my heart, however I don’t feel alone. I have a lot of prayer going up for me. You just touch me in so many ways. I love you so much. You are truly a blessing to this world and especially to our family. God bless you, my Leah.
August 31, 2015 at 1:01 am (10 years ago)Thank you! Our love and prayers are with you. 💗