What a World of Whimsy


“The secret of genius is to carry the  spirit of the child into old age,which means never losing your enthusiasm.” -Aldous Huxley.

Those of us who manage to hold onto our childlike wonder, become like a  magnet,and light to others. It is with the simple joys of a child that life becomes and remains magical. Why is it that imagination(or creativity) is so often scolded  rather than fostered?  It seems that the World is uncomfortable with the daydreamers. However, before We are able to do anything we must imagine it first. No great feat(personal or otherwise) has been accomplished by following the rules,playing it safe,or  by thinking within the box. Unfortunately people like to see others fail, rather than flourish. Therefore, they try to negate the  grand ideas of dreamers. Whether it’s by telling you that you cannot accomplish something or children in  school(a rigid place) teasing  the often aloof daydreamer of the group.  The more opposition you’re met with is a clue that  your on the right track. Although, it’s unwise to be bullheaded  and stubborn.  At any rate, just don’t give up on your dreams.  It is known that fear and doubt only serve to derail you,so ignore those  false  directions!  Surround yourself with that which is good, and turn a blind eye to  the doubters.  Life is far too short to waste any time   with  the fears of someone else. Fill  your mind with encouragement and positive thoughts. It helps tremendously to fix your thoughts  on  what is  true,honorable,right,pure,lovely,and admirable(Phil 4:8). Personally I’ve found that  by   just having  lovely thoughts and objects around me, it makes a difference. More recently I acquired an old 1960’s vanity, which I filled with lovely objects that lift my spirit,either  with memories or simply their aesthetic. We(family) refinished it back to it’s original splendor, and then I proceeded to  decorate it with what makes me  feel good(see below). Some people create shrines to a specific God,but I think it also worthy to  create  a  shrine to all that makes you feel good(an idea here)whether, you choose a physical collection of objects, or a vision board you cannot go wrong. Before something can manifest in the physical, it’s imperative we visualize it,and this is why imagination is so vital to the human experience. Dear friends,don’t be swayed by the cares of this world,because if you  let it,it will choke the dreams from behind your eyelids. Therefore, keep your eyes set  on the sky above,and shoot for the moon!  

No doubts,


Here is a peek at my “shrine.” 

imageimage  imageimage


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEusoSyYK7k&w=560&h=315%5D

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