June 2015 archive

At your funeral


people at a funeral

They say such nice things about people at their funerals that it makes me sad that I’m going to miss mine by just a few days.”    -Garrison Keillor.

I’ll admit, I’ve gotten teary eyed at the thought of my own death and imagining my funeral. However, I didn’t consider how the other people would feel at my funeral. Perhaps this was a sign of my selfishness. As people We all fall prey to this  selfish thinking. That is one of the biggest reasons why I don’t bother caring what other people think about me. Because frankly, no one is likely  thinking that much about you except yourself! In opening up to other people more I’m more likely to feel emotion for them,which  naturally leads to a deeper connection. After being seriously hospitalized I no longer had to imagine my funeral, because I narrowly missed it in reality.  This time around in thinking about it  I became teary eyed for other people. This is because not too long ago my Father  gave me a  mental  picture of a moment in time that I was not present for. At the time I was in a coma which effectively blanked out a large portion of(20 days)consciousness. In sharing a personal memory He gave me an inroad to his reality during that time. While I was  in a coma, He played thumb war with my limp right hand. This is significant  because as a child We often played this silly game. All I could think of is how alone in a Hospital room He took my lifeless hand aside and tried  to bring some life back into that same small hand, just as it was when I was completely okay. This brought into reality someone  else at  my funeral. The thought of another person’s heartbreak, brought tears to my eyes and  not just for myself. It pained me to think of my sweet Father watching his  only child dying,and so badly wanting that little girl  of thumb war days back.  Imagine if We were all as receptive to each others feelings?  How then,would the world change? I wouldn’t doubt that such a thing would make World peace and the need for charities disappear. I have also found that the  happier I am in myself and excited about life, I naturally begin to connect with my fellow human beings(or want to for that matter). This is because it has a way of expanding your heart’s boundaries.

Cross your borders!


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                         “What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes.”-Harry Houdini.

How many of us chase an illusion?  We try to emulate the pictures We see in beauty magazines,the lifestyles We see(or think We see)in media,and generally listen to what were subconsciously being told through popular culture. We are inundated with these fairy tale suggestions. The things you aren’t told upfront is that much of it is  smoke and mirrors(or photoshop) so this means were essentially spectators at a giant magic show. Once it becomes clear that the picture  isn’t authentic, you’ll find that  what you already possess is just as good if not better, then what’s in the elusive fairy tale images being paraded on every available space.(i.e television,magazines,billboards,and in retail spaces)  I’m not sure how it is in other countries, but in America the media is over saturated into daily living. This has caused some negative effects. Such as  unnecessary fear,dieting,and misrepresentation. The fact is, that just like at a magic show,it’s helpful to realize it’s not all realistic. Many people realize this(I hope)but what about those that do not?   It takes a certain amount of confidence and experience to not fall prey to these tactics. It’s important to be comfortable in your own skin and not care so much about what other people think. When you possess these things,you’ll find that you’ll be more successful in life. With confidence comes success,and there  aren’t too many things better then marching to the beat of your own drum. True beauty  is not contained inside the pages of  a beauty magazine. However, there is beauty abound in  your own brand of unique. A  homogenized World full of  models would  be terribly boring,so do your best not  to look like one. It’s in the perceived “imperfections,” that We  can find perfection. When you truly see the  unique beauty that you possess(i.e like yourself!) the  media  chatter begins to die down to a barely audible whisper. In other words you’ll be much happier and  your corner of   the  universe will be much  nicer!

It’s amazing what happiness  will generate in your life. I have found that happiness attracts positive  situations,good people,more confidence,and success!  Once your able to tune out(the media junk) and get on your own wavelength, happiness becomes a renewable resource.

Cheers and tune out!


The walking books


“So often people act like they don’t want to be bothered, but I think they yearn for that.” -Iris Apfel

We all have a story, but how often  is the cover  of that book completely misleading?

The best connections and  intimacies   happen when We allow or are allowed to peel back the pages of another person’s  book. So often it seems that were not allowed to do this. Paper books are  read  and written,but not   our own. Why must We keep our personal stories so secret?  It is this lack of sharing and misleading covers that keep us so very disconnected. While it may not be obvious, there is a strong undercurrent in humanity that   screams out for connection. Why else are there so many blogs,gangs,addictions,attempted suicides,rich therapists,and internet forums? The very existence of such  things is proof of the latter. As a society We succeed at many things, but it is in this realm that we  miserably fail. During my recovery I found myself wanting to talk to everyone(even strangers)to the point of having to be reminded not to do it like some sort of child. I simply found myself actually wanting to know people. In having to take a closer look at my own story, I badly wanted to know others. Because at the moment  my pages   were(are)suspended in  disbelief, and I desperately needed to find  some common ground with my fellow humans. There are so many problems I see that could easily be fixed if there was some support. It’s as if since the culture of the  Leave  It to Beaver 1950’s,we have effectively learned how to remove our hands from supporting the crowd surfer overhead. In doing this they fall to the ground and hopefully haven’t broken anything. However, would any of us even stop to ask them if they’re alright?  I’ve gotten  some of the greatest pleasure in simply being allowed to get to know someone. It’s not often when a total stranger allows you to read their book. I have found that in places of  injury(rehab) people are the most open and willing to  have a connection.  Devastation is the great equalizer. When the world is seemingly ending, there is no time to create prejudices, categories,or invisible rules. We are all simply people in need of love,safety,food,and shelter. The real tragedy lies in the fact that until someone tries to destroy that world(ours or  actually)We blissfully operate in these divides. Never has it been more evident to me that “United We stand,but alone,We fall.”

Open up your book!




“Sometimes when you go through a  dark period, you come out on the other side even more beautiful.”-unknown.

Everyone has gone through a dark time, in the beginning it’s always  difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel(or if there is any at all). After being discharged from the Hospital, and being able to  take into account the gravity of my situation, I saw nothing but  a  gaping  black hole,and at  times I still feel that way.  However, with a very large dose of some real hope(God and physical progress) I was finally able to start seeing if only but a glimmer, the light reflecting off of something  that I couldn’t entirely comprehend. Any  notions of a linear life timeline that I had  previously thought of was now effectively bent into all different directions. I had set myself afoot on a pathway that checked off most of the(in my mind)practical boxes. A  great secure job,a nice place to live, a savings,and a  closet full of clean( if fashionable)clothes.However, on this  new winding path, I had a problem, because my  previous path had disappeared on me! Now I was left blindly  searching to get back on   my path once again. It was as if I were  Alice in Wonderland  asking the Cheshire cat for directions and  I was beginning to realize  that  rather then follow a  path, I’d  likely have to make my own. Each of us is making a path,but sometimes you get stuck in a  particularly hard patch that’s rough to cut through. You can  consume all the self help books you want,but nothing quite teaches or shapes  you like experience. Besides cliche’ one liners can only comfort you so much, before you decide to throw the book out and write your own. The thing is, quite a few of those one liners are actually  correct. Particularly the ones on hardship,storms,and transformation(as the quote above). Unfortunately though, some transformations  can be painful. Just as a blacksmith beats iron into  shape, sometimes were beat into shape as well. The good news is, that We usually come out on the other side better. Even though I cannot see it now, my better sense  tells me that there is a dawn and it’s coming will  bring with it the  songs of the morning birds and my ransom from a dark cage. The question is, now that the path is gone,where will the new one  I forge lead?  Now his is the fun part(and terrifying)because you’ll find the answer is a  resounding, “anywhere!” It’s okay to fall off the path once in awhile, so long as you don’t stray too far and just know that you  possess the power to create a new one.

Fly high butterflyblue-morpho!


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Social Media Savior


“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”
John Lennon.

While  social media is a curse and a blessing, I’ve found it to be a blessing in my particular situation. Getting back on Facebook after I had disappeared for a year allowed me to update and get back in  touch with the many friends I had missed. I received comments akin to “Oh thank God, when I saw you were back I was relieved!”  As much as some despise social media it does serve a purpose. For me, it meant letting people know that I was okay after a huge accident. Without these  interactions, I would have lost touch with quite a few people. This proved especially important since I was isolated in recovery and had seemingly dropped off the face of the Earth. This led me to contemplate what social media means to those   people that  find themselves isolated( as well,or home bound because of an illness. It  could very well be their only means to a social life. For many(myself included) it’s  a fishing line cast into an Ocean   that is the  world. The problem is, that it gives a false sense of connection without actually being “connected.”  For this reason our cyber life  needs to  be balanced  with real life interactions as well.  Otherwise, it could actually achieve the opposite effect and make a person feel lonely. More  recently I’ve hopped  on the bandwagon that is Snapchat. Have you heard of this?   Since I felt like the Glass Man in the film Amelie(watch the video below!)

click here—–>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y2bsfZzgPs

Snapchat became like the pleasant little video that  let me in on the lives of friends and the rest of the ”outside world.” Despite the merits of social media We mustn’t forget the person that’s behind the computer screen or on the  other end of the keyboard. It’s all too easy to have many “friends,” but in actuality be   alone.Therefore, pick up a phone,write a letter,hop  on(or in)  your transportation of choice and make a real connection. You might just find you enjoy  the world of  three dimension!

Cheers and paper over e-mail,


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