Every year right near my birthday I’m greeted with hearts and proclamations of romantic love. Usually I’m not only close to celebrating my birthday but also somehow always single. Needless to say, over the years I have built up an emotion resembling contempt for this hallmark holiday. However, this year even when stumbling upon a small collection of love notes(below) from an ex, I could find no ill will in my heart.The ghosts of Valentines past didn’t succeed in upsetting me.
Normally I would toss these sentiments away along with any reminders, gifts, any associated music files, their phone number, and pictures. Except this time I chose to not only keep them but I also read them over and remembered the sweet times. You may ask me“Why Grinch of Valentines Day would you do such a thing!?” My reply would perhaps be confusing for you fellow Grinch’s but nevertheless maybe my heart grew two sizes( and my brain) so as a result I felt no contempt.While the who’s ran around throwing their heart confetti everywhere and chattering about upcoming dates I had a date with reality. The truth is no matter what your status is this holiday, it really doesn’t matter as long as your happy even if it’s with yourself. Although these things would normally make me sad, I’m simply not because I no longer waste my time being forlorn over someone that was too daft to recognize my beauty. You most definitely shouldn’t either!The world’s population stood at 7.125 billion people in 2013.Don’t you think at least one of those humans might just fit your puzzle piece? That being said, clearly there is no shortage of available suitors. Now my dear friend it’s just a matter of serendipity. Having this knowledge has helped me to completely avoid any forlorn nonsense. Because life can be navigated on a Vespa motorcycle fitted for one too! Some moments have been devised solely for your consumption.If your ever feeling really blue during this very pink holiday, just seek out the nearest couple arguing in public, which is guaranteed to help you feel better( works for me) because your not the one making a spectacle of yourself. If you choose not to spend your time toiling away on anti-valentines day cards this year at least go on a date ( with a bestie) and enjoy some time well spent. Furthermore rather then looking for love outside of yourself try turning your gaze inward. You have nothing to lose and a world to gain when you learn to truly(finally) love yourself.
This ones for you: