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Lets Take Over the World

-And other tales from the ambitious front line


I have been walking in circles, how frustrating is it when life becomes a string of work, work, home, work.. ahhh ! There is more, there HAS to be more then the 4 concrete walls inside which I live. It doesn’t help that I get bored easily.. I can recall long periods of time spent laying on my bed staring at the ceiling before finally deciding to get up and retreat to my Mother to exclaim “I’m Bored” to which she replied “Someday you’ll wish you were bored.” or threats of “I’ll find something for you to do..” Really?

I often now know what she meant, back then all my responsibilities consisited of -Go To School, and thats it… oh how nice it was to be bored!!

But alas I get bored now, more so… restless

I always feel more content around the people I love, naturally….when left to my own devices for long stretches of time I either get weirder and sometimes quieter (yes, I do actually stop talking at some point, believe it or not)

So fellow humans reading this article what is the solution to this boredom? Well, since I can’t magically move my very best friends and family here to be my neighbors or at least be within weekend visit driving distance.. ALAS….. luckily growing up an only child (please do not be biased, I am not one of those only children, really.) has provided an excellent capacity to entertain oneself and not feel so lonely as a “lone wolf” … Also everyone struggles with boredom and visits Bummerville from time to time.. (Note* Bummerville is nowhere near Margaritaville because the general population hates Jimmy Buffet’s music)

So perhaps not only I but you need the reminder.. Life is full of the following wonderful things..

KittenspuppiesLaughingFriendsFamilyLOVEgoodfood-Icecream!!FALL.Sledding.Humor.Beer.Art.Music.Beautiful things abound! Leaps and jumps of inspiration.luck.hope.dreams.Travel.Cupcakes.ComicBooks.Dinosaurs. and…. pretty much anything else that gives you a glimpse into a better place then the grind we have all created for ourselves and seem to be stuck in at times… Just a friendly reminder that the universe is ever expanding so don’t shut down but expand out with it.. putting limits on yourself in any way is going against nature. Really. And.. I’ve heard Mother Nature isn’t always that forgiving so you better open up and smile.

Notice money is nowhere on the list, honestly, it is the root of all evil and nothing but paper. I worked as a Bank Teller for awhile and at first handling it all you picture this in your head..


But it quickly becomes this after sometime…


I would be in awe of how much people cared about it really. You obviously need it to spin the cogs to live in this world however… it certainly does not buy happiness. Be smart with your money though and you can accomplish a lot of meaningful things however (See also: Altruism, helping family, taking care of your loved ones, buying puppies and kittens?!?!) ha, Why Not?

Cheers my friends.


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WHOA ! Its been a long time ! I’m writing to you all from a purple couch with a snoring kitty (tiny little snores) smooshed up next to my leg. So much has happened, I atteneded PAX East (a nerd convention) in Boston Massachusetts, decided to reform my previous shop-o-holic ways .. I’m selling my life on ebay—see it here  ——>  Out with the old, In with the new, and I also attended a screening of James Franco’s The Broken Tower… which as far as I knew was a new film but in researching it more today I think perhaps it was new in 2011 but this was his official East Coast Debut?? Anyhow.. it was held at the IFC Center in NYC and he introduced the film before hand.. I was indeed about 5 ft away from him.. he looked high.. cute but still high. It was not a bad film but more interesting mostly because the way it was shot was nice and the storyline (Franco’s interpretation of a poet’s life Hart Crane) wasn’t bad either, I mostly liked the few comedic moments involving him working at a NYC ad agency the best.. otherwise it was on the slow side (as Franco pre-warned us) and I don’t think it was bad or good, just.. interesting. Perhaps you can check it out for yourself (=


I think the most interesting thing of all is that Franco Directed and Acted in it, which are two completely different modes of thinking and working, I imagine it difficult to separate the two?? A gallant effort indeed and I applaud anyone ambitious enough to do things above and beyond most people, whether good or bad, its admirable.  In other news I will be dusting off the Vespa from its long winter slumber. Any suggestions for names? I have yet to name it… maybe this year will be the year… I used to name my cars so why not other modes of transportation as well??

This year also I am embarking on the task of trying to get my very own apartment *dun*dun*dun* 


I really really hope I find a place. I have been extremely lucky/blessed so far in NYC, the last thing besides pursuing my daydreams more is to establish my own space. Granted roommates make it more affordable and if I must I must BUT wouldn’t it be nice to have a little spot in the sun to call my own?? I can’t deal with anymore jerks ! I deserve much much better then to feel like a guest in my own home. (sorry to vent, I’d rather not talk about it! On to bigger and better things..)

A pet would be nice too… Any pet suggestions???  Hedgehog?? Baby Goat?? Kitty? I would say dog but I am simply not home enough and they are expensive!!

Tomorrow is the Brooklyn Flea, I’ll put something more comprehensive up soon for your reading pleasure.. Have a lovely weekend Ladies and Gents !!

Cheers !


P.s. Here is a song and dance for ya’ !! Good Bad, Not Evil. The best kind.


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