


Hello, it’s nice to meet you!

My name is Leah and at the age of 28 years young I suffered a massive stroke. I was not expected to survive, but  a miracle happened and I did. I’m here to share my story, road to recovery, and the life lessons I’m learning along the way.

This blog began as a public diary of my life in New York City, but it has now taken a major turn.

Through surviving and thriving  in spite  of the unthinkable happening to me, the hard road I have been traveling has taught me things that  are irreplaceable. Not only  have I garnered some amazing insight, but I have also met some amazing people.

So, pull up a comfy  seat and stay awhile.


4 Comments on About

  1. Daniella Djiogan
    August 28, 2015 at 12:27 am (10 years ago)

    “A public diary of my life”…that’s cool!

    • Leah
      August 28, 2015 at 12:29 am (10 years ago)

      Aw, thank you Daniella! The New York stories are not over, as I have a big one coming up in September.😊. Thanks for your comment💗

  2. KIJO
    January 6, 2017 at 3:24 am (8 years ago)

    Hi Leah, I’m so glad you survived. Keep the posts coming. <3

    • Leah
      January 7, 2017 at 1:21 am (8 years ago)

      Thank you! Expect there to be more!👍🏻


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