I don’t always take my own advice, and today I was reminded of a glaring truth that I sometimes choose to ignore. What was it? “ It is within your power to change your circumstances.” I internally grimaced at the phrase. Because, change means you( and I) have to stop making excuses. We have to grit our teeth and face our fears. We have to voluntarily put ourselves in uncomfortable situations. It is essentially a process of self enforced growth. We even have to accept the possibility of failure. However, one can never be defeated! The only thing that can truly defeat us is death. Short of that, (or instead of) you have a lot of work to do to reach your goals! Whether it is seeing or creating a beautiful space when you live in the NYC Projects, envisioning fluid movement in a paralyzed limb, or going after a job you want, all three require perspective. You could see the projects as a one way ticket to failure in Life, that paralyzed limb as dead or lost to you, or- that dream job as just a far off illusion. Except ( and this is a big exception) you could instead view all these things as their opposites. The walls of those projects are not barriers, but places that can be beautified and a starting point. The left hand (or foot) that refuses to take orders from your brain or somehow has fallen into a deep slumber, is merely in an invisible cast until it’s fully healed. The interviewer of your dream job just hasn’t met YOU yet, and therefore the position remains open. More than anything, in order to change your circumstances for the better, it certainly helps if you see the unfavorable circumstances, of which you are currently in, as a catapult, rather than a barrier. You may not be where you want to be right now, but viewing your current position in a positive light, is the beginning of getting to your ultimate destination. I’m not living in my own apartment in New York City, like I was (or still should be) before suffering a massive stroke. But, in the mean time until I get back to that day dream, I am living in a wonderful home that allows me the space and time for self growth, physical recovery, and enjoyable activities. Much of what goes on in our heads manifests in the outer world either positively or negatively. Since self fulfilling prophecy is indeed a thing, begin to prophesize good things for yourself. Whether BIG or small, You can achieve them all!