What defines you? The answer to that question will vary for almost everyone. However, most of those answers will probably be incorrect. Is it your personality? Your worldly possessions? Or perhaps your zip code? The question of what makes us human has been debated for eons, and more interestingly this question could be answered by a neuroscientist. In other words, perhaps it is the contents of our brains that make us who we are. I contend that it is the strength of your character, the contents of your heart, and the fruits of your Life. Sometime ago I would’ve answered it’s your personality that makes you who you are. Except, personalities can change. They only appear to remain constant as long as a person’s Life circumstances remain fairly stable. Throw a massive stroke in(like I had) or other variation of a brain injury and what happens after that, will certainly challenge who you are. Amid the many words heard from medical professionals were “personality change,” “ Won’t recognize loved ones anymore,” and “ We just don’t know how She will turn out.” I’ll be the first to admit that my behavior at times was outlandish, my social filter was severely compromised, and everything was up in the air. But- as time goes on( and my social filter has improved) it has become increasingly clear, that I am and have always been me. My interests haven’t particularly changed much, my sense of humor, my likes and dislikes, and so on. What’s stunning about this from a personal and even medical perspective is that, a major trauma or even physical changes have not deviated me away from who I am at the very core of my being. It doesn’t seem to matter where you put me, I find a way to thrive just as a flower that grows through concrete. Ultimately I’ve learned, what matters most is what you give to others rather than take. And I’ll tell you a secret. IT ALWAYS COMES BACK TO YOU!