It’s good to have manners in fact as a child I spent every Halloween being followed by a Mom that would yell “say thank you!” after each successful candy transaction from a stranger,so needless to say I had manners even on a holiday where you could be anonymous and rude if you so desired
That being said, today while drinking my coffee and going thru updates I happily noticed ‘new followers! So I just wanted to say welcome,Hello,and I promise to do my best to be more interesting ha-ha
I plan on doing a design overhaul,but stay true to honest content,because life isn’t always pretty and I at least think people want substance not another glossy magazine,on that note I encourage new,current,old,and to be readers to feel free to give me some feedback and I promise I can take it I have been in my fair share of creative critiques.
July 2, 2014 at 11:42 am (11 years ago)you are doing a great job Leah – keep it coming
July 7, 2014 at 3:21 pm (11 years ago)Thank you <3!