Posts Tagged ‘media’



                         “What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes.”-Harry Houdini.

How many of us chase an illusion?  We try to emulate the pictures We see in beauty magazines,the lifestyles We see(or think We see)in media,and generally listen to what were subconsciously being told through popular culture. We are inundated with these fairy tale suggestions. The things you aren’t told upfront is that much of it is  smoke and mirrors(or photoshop) so this means were essentially spectators at a giant magic show. Once it becomes clear that the picture  isn’t authentic, you’ll find that  what you already possess is just as good if not better, then what’s in the elusive fairy tale images being paraded on every available space.(i.e television,magazines,billboards,and in retail spaces)  I’m not sure how it is in other countries, but in America the media is over saturated into daily living. This has caused some negative effects. Such as  unnecessary fear,dieting,and misrepresentation. The fact is, that just like at a magic show,it’s helpful to realize it’s not all realistic. Many people realize this(I hope)but what about those that do not?   It takes a certain amount of confidence and experience to not fall prey to these tactics. It’s important to be comfortable in your own skin and not care so much about what other people think. When you possess these things,you’ll find that you’ll be more successful in life. With confidence comes success,and there  aren’t too many things better then marching to the beat of your own drum. True beauty  is not contained inside the pages of  a beauty magazine. However, there is beauty abound in  your own brand of unique. A  homogenized World full of  models would  be terribly boring,so do your best not  to look like one. It’s in the perceived “imperfections,” that We  can find perfection. When you truly see the  unique beauty that you possess(i.e like yourself!) the  media  chatter begins to die down to a barely audible whisper. In other words you’ll be much happier and  your corner of   the  universe will be much  nicer!

It’s amazing what happiness  will generate in your life. I have found that happiness attracts positive  situations,good people,more confidence,and success!  Once your able to tune out(the media junk) and get on your own wavelength, happiness becomes a renewable resource.

Cheers and tune out!
