Posts Tagged ‘John Lennon’

Happy Holidays


“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”      -Dalai Lama

“ So this is Christmas and what have you done?” asks a pensive  John Lennon in his song also known as Happy Xmas(War  is Over.


With the upcoming holidays and the world on the brink of what seems like another war, this 1963 song seems eerily relevant today. Around the globe the coming of the new year is met with  holiday celebrations and the symbolism of a fresh start. Instead of looking back, consider the future rather then harbor any regrets,  and instead make up your mind to change them  as you move forward. The impending holidays also bring to the forefront of people’s minds the spirit of  altruism. While We can’t all spend our days giving 100% of ourselves to charity, We can at least vow to be a  positive influence on ourselves and others, rather then a  negative one. As humans it’s all too easy to be self centered, and our  selfishly motivated decisions can sometimes hurt others.  What many people don’t fully realize is that in helping others you actually help yourself too. Therefore in giving you’re also receiving, it’s a win-win situation! As  the new year brings with it renewed motivation for personal goals, why not with it a new vision? A vision that is geared more towards equality, peace, positivity, and altruism. The consideration We have for the good of mankind should be in the forefront more then once a year, or  only reserved for when a tragedy strikes. The  larger question that looms is  “Can  these  things be brought about  on a regular basis, rather then just by Santa Claus or  new year resolutions?” The good news is that you don’t have to wait for someone else to answer this question, because you can. Each of us has a choice everyday rather then just once a year to   pursue  dreams, set new goals, be a positive influence , and  to help others. Don’t just meet each new year with  zest and motivation but how about each new day?

Tomorrow is new   and cheers!



if you're able.


“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”

-Dalai Lama.

Do both of your hands function? I have often daydreamed about what I would do if both of mine did, because currently my left hand does not. I think I would take up knitting, complicated needle point, scrub  the entire floor with a tiny toothbrush, and finally  find every excuse to use my hands. When you have  an ability naturally,  it’s taken for granted. If only We all realized how amazing  having them truly is. We would all be  much more grateful, and  eager to use our abilities.  Also, it’s likely that We’d look for opportunities to be able to use them.  Many of these opportunities, would be in helping those that do not have the same abilities.  Being aware of these things now, I know  in  the  past  that I would’ve been much more charitable and helpful towards my fellow man. Just as John Lennon imagined an enlightened World so do I. However, my wish is that everyone would fully realize what a gift they have and share it amongst each other. If that happened, I imagine there would be no need for charity  or as many costly social programs. The level of people helping each other would dramatically  increase. Just imagine if We met each day as zealous as Scrooge  on Christmas morning. What kind of  dreams would be  realized if We were aware of  our innate abilities and gifts?  Even more so  if We  shared them, culminating into a  collective good that We all  benefitted from. There are times each of us  can recall  of not going out of our way to help someone. If We were aware of how incredible our abilities to function normally really are, very few things would be considered as “going out of the way.” Instead  helping others would just be a normal part of life.


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Love is all you need

og3123201505152106318“The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.”

-Ferdinand Foch.

Even though it’s been over 20 years  since  his death, John Lennon  speaking from the grave is still inarguably correct. Although it seems the obvious conclusion,many people still need reminding. It’s  apparent that with so much hurting in the  World, love is the solution. If only people  knew how much they were loved I suspect  you’d see many more happy and healthy people. This is also why  people preach of God’s(or “the universes”)love. Because,imagine if We were fulfilled in knowing that were deeply loved? I suspect that those empty places that each of us try to fill(some negatively) would cease to be a  problem. Instead of looking  outside ourselves or to other people, perhaps We need to turn our gaze inward and upward. To love and be loved is to  be fulfilled and contented. The world has made a mess of love, but ideally it’s unconditional love that should be  pursued. In order to show this kind of love, We first need to have been loved this way.  The  World  demonstrates that love is simply a  feeling or emotion. However, love is learned(a very intelligent  therapist told me this). If  your not shown or have experienced a healthy love, it’s more likely you will not know how to love others in a healthy way. This is  how the problems ensue. If we  are not given or shown love properly,  that leaves room for dysfunction to creep in. This cycle perpetuates as generation after generation  has  missed the mark. The world certainly has perfected what love is NOT(see here!) When you know your  truly and deeply loved, this carves out a rock solid foundation on which to build  the highest   of buildings. Without a solid foundation, the building will falter,as do We. When love fills in the gaps it allows us to reach our potential and soar. In order for this to happen, it seems the world and everyone in it needs to be rewired. This seems like an impossible and daunting task,except it isn’t.  A revolution never started out of nothing but with one determined person. You don’t need a like minded mob to create change(although it helps)it can begin with one!   If you are fulfilled with love, pay it  forward and help create a domino effect. A master painting doesn’t just   start out as a finished work,it begins with a single  small brush stroke. You can be that first brush stroke in a series leading up to a Mona Lisa!  There is no time like the present,and why wait  until tomorrow for what you can do today?

Carpe Diem


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