Posts Tagged ‘cancer’



“You can’t get rid of fear, it’s like  Mother Nature.You can’t beat it or outrun it, but you can get through it, and find out what you’re made of.”  – the good dinosaur(Pixar)

Whether your influence is of the dark or of the light, both really matter. Because like  in bumper cars, sometimes life hits us  and  we get  sent in all sorts of directions, but after the initial impact we can usually choose in which direction we’re  going to go. We all deal with things differently, and over time like butterflies, we experience a metamorphosis. Where one person can turn  a bad circumstance into good, others mistakenly follow or choose  a darker path. The world expertly presents us with things that are  “good,”  but are  actually cloaked in darkness. For example, all that yummy processed food that will eventually kill you, or the allure of tarot cards and the occult.This was pointed out to me in a dream recently.  No matter what  your trial  is you have a choice in how to deal with it. Oftentimes our trials  change  us,  like water running over rocks and changing their shapes and textures. Not only do trials and time change us, but they also show us what we’re made of.  Some of us will be pleasantly surprised by our resilience, while others bitterly disappointed by our brokenness. The fact is, we all have the potential to be either built up or broken down. That’s why it’s so important to choose the paths that lead you into  the light of happiness, faith, love, and hope. Rather than  the darkness of negativity,hopelessness, and depression.  Whatever your going through there are many positive resources available to you, you just have to do some foot work! Not only that, but pay attention to and remind yourself of all the things that  give life beauty. Whether it be in nature or in human kindness(like the video below )

Florence and the Machine sing to and for a young girl with cancer in Her hospital room that couldn’t attend  their concert.


if you  slow down and look  closer you will find it. I promise you it’s there.

cheers + love + hope!


"Don't be a hippie, punk."


“Rest when you’re weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.”

-Ralph Marston.

Nothing worth having is ever easy, and that includes  your health.  I  got a very nice juicer(see here?) for Christmas, so what did I do? A five day juice fast of course! I was  inspired by the Netflix documentary Fat, Sick, and nearly dead(free here!). Your health and longevity is an investment worth the time, effort, and  powering through a kale salad or two!!   The more healthy foods you eat, the easier it becomes. The American diet is highly inflammatory and leads not only to  weight issues, but is also the cause of many diseases. There is a  strong  link  found between sugar and cancer.  As you  stick to a diet heavy on the greens and light on any sugar  you’ll find the cravings tend to subside over time. The average juice fast lasts for three days, but  I chose to  go longer because of all the benefits it provides(see here!)  Much of the food in this country is nutritionally empty, especially any processed or fast foods. However, juicing large amounts of vegetables and fruits, and drinking them provides the ultimate way to absorb nutrients and more then fulfills your daily  serving recommendation. The first day was the easiest, since I was still riding on yesterdays meal. By the  time I reached day  three  other people’s food began to smell really good. However, I was  more then half way there so I turned my nose up at any temptations. During the time you’re only consuming fresh juice, you’ll find it’s best to avoid too much television or people eating. Because   it soon becomes apparent that every other advertisement on television is for food and usually it’s  fast food. By the time I reached day 4 drinking fresh juice for every meal was quite easy. However, I did come to the conclusion that more then a five day fast  is not for me! I mainly did the juice fast for health reasons and not so much weight loss, though it’s quite effective for that! I began my five day journey weighing 139.2 pounds, and ended it at 132.9 pounds. I noticed the first few days that from time to time I became light headed(a detoxing side effect) but this is normal. A juice fast is not advised for those with specific medical conditions, and some people need to do it under the supervision of a  doctor. I chose to wing it, adding in a daily multi vitamin and kefir protein shakes  for lunch and dinner(more filling)  as well as a large handful of raw nuts. It’s important to get proper nutrition during a fast or you could harm yourself. If you become faint  and dizzy stop the fast immediately. Overall I felt better, my skin improved and I could feel my body functioning better. With a projected obesity rate that predicts 3 out of 4 Americans  will be overweight by 2020, health education has never been more vital. Going forward, I plan on  integrating more superfoods and greens into my diet, and much less sugar. Although, it’s okay to have  chocolate once in awhile!  After all, the only time I cheated was for a couple of warm chocolate chip cookies, who am I to  judge?  I highly recommend doing a juice fast and there is tons of research out there  supporting the benefits of a more green diet. Don’t be afraid to be a  “smelly hippie,” rid yourself of the food industries evil toxins and live well, kale yeah, to that!

get juicy and cheers!
