Posts Tagged ‘Broooklyn’

Brooklyn or Bust

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“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” ― J.K.Rowling.

It wasn’t all that long ago(or so it seems) that I  had a daydream, which like most daydreams seemed unlikely to happen.  While I wobbled along  in a rehab building on an indoor track, relearning  how to walk my mind wandered to a less dismal place. For motivation, I would imagine myself walking across the Brooklyn Bridge(my favorite) towards  a  more joyful  and better place than my current reality. At the time walking at all was a feat, much less completing over a mile walk across an iconic bridge that was over 600 miles away from where I was. Just like  hope can pull you out of a dark place; having a daydream can pull you forward towards your goal. It’s so important that you be around and supported by people who don’t find your daydreams to be preposterous. When you share your vision, it’s wonderful to be met with  a vote of confidence, offers of help, or even those who treat it as a perfectly normal statement. Your dreams will have a harder time of  being born  into reality, if they’re planted in harsh soil. Therefore, share them with those that will encourage and help them to grow. Once I built up the endurance to walk a long distance, I then needed the funds to make the trip. Through an online fundraiser and with the help of a number of friends

imageand family, I  was able to  raise enough money  to take the trip to Brooklyn. Not to mention ride Jane’s Carousel!


The support  not  only financially, but emotionally helped bring a baby daydream to its full term reality. Without  the backing from  the numerous people that believed in me, my daydream would’ve withered away.  On my own I could not have reached my goal. This is proof positive  of how important it is to plant your dreams in fertile soil. The seeds born from your imagination, do best in supportive soil. Therefore,  keep them safe from the thorny grounds of disbelief,negativity, worry and  doubt. I  am very fortunate to have had so much support. It is because of that, I can now tell you  I walked all 1.1 miles of the Brooklyn Bridge with those very same supporters. Of course I imagehad to leave  a memento, so I made my own love lock(see here)image for the occasion. Nothing is impossible my dears.

-cheers and plant in good soil!
