People call it making plans, ambitious people call it making goals, and Mystics call it what you’re conscious of being brought to Life by your subconscious. However, whatever you call it, it is at its most basic level the Life you are currently leading. The problem with making plans is that plans can change, you may fail to reach your goal, and ultimately no one has a handle on it all. Personally speaking I’m a goal setting and achieving type of person. However, what happens when a near death experience( in my case) throws those set goals out of whack and lays waste to your carefully set path? What do you do? How can you cope with the inevitable bad feelings? Well, save for inventing a time machine, you’ve got to figure it out. Here’s something I’ve concluded after years of therapy, multiple self help books under my belt, and rebuilding my path. It is not in the quantity of the stuff you have, or the years you’ve got to live. It’s in the QUALITY of them. I now put real time and effort into everything I do. I’d rather get to know someone deeply than just on a surface level, I consider what the impact is of everything I eat or purchase on others, and the Earth. Because it’s not always about you. In fact, most people are pre-occupied with themselves. Funnily enough, the less you think only about yourself and more about others you are the one who will benefit! Having faced immense difficulties I don’t consider the loss, I focus on the gains. Rather than have perished from the stroke at 28, I’ve lived another ten years. That’s 3,650 days where I opened my eyes, breathed in, made plans, and felt the warmth of the sun brush across my skin. At one very scary point in time those days could’ve been considered borrowed. Therefore, it is not lost on me to slow down and really soak in the days I have. Time is our most precious and unrenewable resource, so consider carefully how you spend it. Choose the things which bring you light rather than darkness, the things that bring others closer rather than push them away, and give, give, give! I promise you it will always come back to you double. So, don’t fear giving from your heart in order to fill it.