Posts Tagged ‘God’

This is not the new me


Usually a makeover is for the better,however  sometimes people get “make unders.”    I received  what I’d call  a make under, that came in the form of a  massive stroke. In this version rather then  getting something  better, I  have  received something   terrible(i.e paralysis  and a loss of independence). Many people like therapists and doctors, like to allude to this kind of makeover  as being  my new form. However, just because  this is how it is right now, doesn’t mean  I  have to accept it. To accept bad circumstances, would be  a  form of  settling. In  India’s fight against the British Empire, Gandhi declared “They may have my dead body, but they will not have my obedience.” In the same way, the stroke may have nearly ruined my life, but it will not defeat my spirit  or  break my will. We  possess the capacity to evolve and improve, We are never truly stuck. You don’t have to   self identify with  the lesser. Just as an act of love can create a domino effect  for positive change,an act of self defeat can spiral into accepting less then We  can achieve. This isn’t to suggest that We should opt to be self serving and greedy(as many already are)but  instead to not settle for less then We are capable of.

I certainly  don’t declare  myself a cripple or identify as being disabled. Instead, I refute  these notions and labels, because you will receive what your expecting. Therefore, you should expect more for yourself in life. Many times We create our own limits. Your capable of so much more then your led to believe. Once you start paying attention to your self defeating thoughts or people’s statements, it’s important to negate them either  verbally or mentally if you have to. Instead of accepting the statement “You won’t or can’t. change that to “I will or I  can.” When you start paying attention to these things, you’ll find that people say(yourself included)these self defeating statements at an alarming rate. Little do  people realize that words have power. They have the ability to tear down or build up.  As well as the ability to bring into life a new creation. Be careful of the words that leave your mouth and enter your mind. “For out of the heart the mouth speaks.” What’s in your heart will manifest itself into reality. Since this is the case be sure to guard your heart!

Love with no limits,


Love is all you need

og3123201505152106318“The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.”

-Ferdinand Foch.

Even though it’s been over 20 years  since  his death, John Lennon  speaking from the grave is still inarguably correct. Although it seems the obvious conclusion,many people still need reminding. It’s  apparent that with so much hurting in the  World, love is the solution. If only people  knew how much they were loved I suspect  you’d see many more happy and healthy people. This is also why  people preach of God’s(or “the universes”)love. Because,imagine if We were fulfilled in knowing that were deeply loved? I suspect that those empty places that each of us try to fill(some negatively) would cease to be a  problem. Instead of looking  outside ourselves or to other people, perhaps We need to turn our gaze inward and upward. To love and be loved is to  be fulfilled and contented. The world has made a mess of love, but ideally it’s unconditional love that should be  pursued. In order to show this kind of love, We first need to have been loved this way.  The  World  demonstrates that love is simply a  feeling or emotion. However, love is learned(a very intelligent  therapist told me this). If  your not shown or have experienced a healthy love, it’s more likely you will not know how to love others in a healthy way. This is  how the problems ensue. If we  are not given or shown love properly,  that leaves room for dysfunction to creep in. This cycle perpetuates as generation after generation  has  missed the mark. The world certainly has perfected what love is NOT(see here!) When you know your  truly and deeply loved, this carves out a rock solid foundation on which to build  the highest   of buildings. Without a solid foundation, the building will falter,as do We. When love fills in the gaps it allows us to reach our potential and soar. In order for this to happen, it seems the world and everyone in it needs to be rewired. This seems like an impossible and daunting task,except it isn’t.  A revolution never started out of nothing but with one determined person. You don’t need a like minded mob to create change(although it helps)it can begin with one!   If you are fulfilled with love, pay it  forward and help create a domino effect. A master painting doesn’t just   start out as a finished work,it begins with a single  small brush stroke. You can be that first brush stroke in a series leading up to a Mona Lisa!  There is no time like the present,and why wait  until tomorrow for what you can do today?

Carpe Diem


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Truth or Dare

truth“Those who help you up when your down also know what it’s like to be down.” -unknown.
Dear reader,I have a secret to tell you.While I have found writing to be cathartic and sharing my story to be important I feel I haven’t been completely honest.While I have mainly conveyed a hopeful positive person, that has not always been the case.As seen with social media sometimes we share only the best moments in life.Truthfully,life is messy! While indeed I am hopeful and positive about my life, on the other hand there are darker tales untold.I think sharing struggles is just as important as sharing the pretty things in our lives.Even more can be gleaned from the not so perfect.Because flaws are relatable,(were only human)after all “perfect people,”tend to incite feelings of jealousy or envy in others.I think by being honest it brings about closer relations and genuine meaning.To make a long story short through the trials and tribulations of recovery from a near death experience it has been a giant roller coaster.I have experienced highs and lows among the twists,turns,and bumps.Sometimes being flipped completely upside down. Among the highs were triumphs such as successful surgeries,happy moments and significant physical gains.However among the lows were such things as suicidal threats and in particular one near check into a mental health facility(not so fun)so obviously things have been far from perfect to say the least! Oddly enough I eventually found a way to come from those dark corners into a brighter place. I actually lamented that at least being “committed,”would have garnered some good albeit funny stories for later on in life.However, my parents did not find it as comical… Honestly what has gotten me through has been the belief in a God that loves me and wants me well just as much as I want to be well.That and my logical thought of, if I can survive what most surely would not anything is possible.Where it has been ugly and terrible I have also seen the beautiful and wonderful.


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