Posts Tagged ‘goals’

Blank Slate


Having a blank slate is sometimes as daunting as it is exciting.”     -Joe Madureira.

So, what are you going to do next? I think  we all ask ourselves this, especially at the beginning of a new year. I was asked this after completing a large goal that I had  dreamed up many months prior to actually completing it. At the time I   could only figure   I’d keep striving and move forward to yet an even larger goal, a complete recovery. After the ball dropped in Times Square New York  and cheers erupted around me, I finally found my answer to that question. While I certainly  fulfilled a day dream by walking across the Brooklyn Bridge(see here!)  at the same time I  accomplished something even larger. I didn’t realize this until the clock struck twelve and 2016 was ushered in  with champagne that I had my  answer. Any goals that I have set and met were years in the making and a concerted effort.  Even more important than    my daydreams is all the wisdom and strength I have garnered by pushing through and past the many struggles I have faced. Each new idea was but a spark that eventually caused a forest fire in the landscape of my mind. I  also could not have  fulfilled these goals without the helping hands of friends, family, and  generous strangers. Each of their  hands  joined to create a bridge I could walk across to reach the other side. Oftentimes those goals involved independence and things people take for granted everyday. The ability of having freedom of physical movement,walking, social skills, and many simple activities of daily living. Each of your accomplishments   are the result of a concerted effort as well. Without the support of others many of us would still be at the starting line of the race. Entering  this new year it will be best spent continuing on the journey of moving forward, and if I’m lucky in this new year that bridge of hands will  still be there.

make a bridge for others!


Don't look back in anger.


You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.”


Why me!? Well, why not me? This is the question and answer many  give themselves, who have suffered a catastrophic event or injury. It’s undoubtedly understandable to be angry in such  bad circumstances. However, it’s not always helpful or healing. While anger can help you break out of something(depression)or help you overcome it,it  can also hold you back. Anger can anchor you in the past, or create unrest in your heart and mind. What you believe in is very powerful and  will dictate the direction in which your life  goes. Therefore, play  the right mental movies for yourself. Films that portray you as the victor, times of happiness, and  positive plot lines. These  mental movies can stir up  courage, hope, and strength  or place fear and doubt in your heart. When the movies that you play yourself are the opposite of fear and doubt, it opens the door for peace to enter your mind and heart. “A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body”(Prov. 14:30nlt). If you find yourself in a hospital bed don’t take the situation lying down. Instead,  screen films in your mental movie theatre of  improving health, happy moments, and the day of your eventual discharge. Also, when dealing with a sickness be careful not to get anchored in the past for too long. Instead, keep your thoughts positive, the movies victorious, and your eyes forward.  Your dreams can and will become a reality  with a positive, and strong attitude. Not to mention, dreams don’t have to remain in the  thought realm, dreams and life are meant  to be experienced!

cheers and onward!


New year, no fear.


“Don’t let your fear of what could happen, make nothing happen.” -unknown

   How likely  is it that  what you fear will come true?  It’s good to ask yourself these questions. Is this true? Is it  factual?  Do I know what the future holds? By asking yourself these questions, your  fear will soon  hold  little weight in your mind. Because, many of our fears have no real power and many aren’t steeped in reality. The likelihood that your fear will come true is slim to none.   In the movies that  you play in your mind are you the victim or the victor? Decide  to see yourself healthy, wealthy, and  victorious.Not to mention, you can control your fear, it doesn’t control you nor dictate your future. In 2016 we will have  365 days and 8,760 hours of time to fill as we choose, don’t let fear cause you to waste any of it! This new year signifies a fresh start  for all of us around the world. It holds new goals, new  possibilities, new opportunities, and new horizons!   Among these things, in the United States, many  set for themselves New Year’s resolutions. However,  many resolutions while they have strong beginnings eventually  taper off into the dust bin of forgotten.  So many people are pre-occupied with body image and health, they forget about  their mental health. Rather then resolve  to eat healthier, why not resolve to think healthier? Part of that is to shed the thoughts   and feelings preventing you from your full potential.   Not enough of us are told that we can set  our own limits, as well as  break them. One of the biggest  offenders is fear  and his sidekick doubt. These two combined have  paralyzed many ideas  in their  infancy as well as the people who originated them. Too often they plant the seeds of failure in your mind, that then bloom into invisible walls. It’s the fearless who  find ways over the walls and meet their dreams on the other side. What ever it is you’d like to do, or the goal that you wish to meet, you can achieve it. Choose to shed fear rather then pounds at the gym. Without the weight of it holding you down, you’ll be so light, that reaching the stars will  naturally become possible.

shoot for the moon!


Brooklyn or Bust

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“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” ― J.K.Rowling.

It wasn’t all that long ago(or so it seems) that I  had a daydream, which like most daydreams seemed unlikely to happen.  While I wobbled along  in a rehab building on an indoor track, relearning  how to walk my mind wandered to a less dismal place. For motivation, I would imagine myself walking across the Brooklyn Bridge(my favorite) towards  a  more joyful  and better place than my current reality. At the time walking at all was a feat, much less completing over a mile walk across an iconic bridge that was over 600 miles away from where I was. Just like  hope can pull you out of a dark place; having a daydream can pull you forward towards your goal. It’s so important that you be around and supported by people who don’t find your daydreams to be preposterous. When you share your vision, it’s wonderful to be met with  a vote of confidence, offers of help, or even those who treat it as a perfectly normal statement. Your dreams will have a harder time of  being born  into reality, if they’re planted in harsh soil. Therefore, share them with those that will encourage and help them to grow. Once I built up the endurance to walk a long distance, I then needed the funds to make the trip. Through an online fundraiser and with the help of a number of friends

imageand family, I  was able to  raise enough money  to take the trip to Brooklyn. Not to mention ride Jane’s Carousel!


The support  not  only financially, but emotionally helped bring a baby daydream to its full term reality. Without  the backing from  the numerous people that believed in me, my daydream would’ve withered away.  On my own I could not have reached my goal. This is proof positive  of how important it is to plant your dreams in fertile soil. The seeds born from your imagination, do best in supportive soil. Therefore,  keep them safe from the thorny grounds of disbelief,negativity, worry and  doubt. I  am very fortunate to have had so much support. It is because of that, I can now tell you  I walked all 1.1 miles of the Brooklyn Bridge with those very same supporters. Of course I imagehad to leave  a memento, so I made my own love lock(see here)image for the occasion. Nothing is impossible my dears.

-cheers and plant in good soil!


tell me what you want


Do you really need to burden yourself down with another material item? For the majority of Americans, and females, shopping could be considered a sport. However, it’s a shame to live in a society that espouses material gain as being so desirable. If you have ever seen the movie Shopoholic, that was me. If you haven’t, I can sum it up for you. Girl lives in New York City,

purchases  way too many unnecessary objects, goes into major debt, realizes it’s a sham,and makes a major life change, this is also me.

images-6I cringe when I  see the outrageous prices of things that people are all too willing to purchase. For example, a pretty book of eyeshadow selling for nearly $90.00! (on Ebay)   My goodness, you only have one face, how much makeup do you really need for it!? The more you own, the more you become a slave to  your belongings. Most of the time, the things you want aren’t  really what you need.


For some more wealth brings more security. However, that’s nearly akin to worshipping your stuff. If your not careful, you could begin to make material objects or money your God. Not to mention  this type of God brings with it bondage, and can enslave you. The more  wisdom I get on what really matters, the less and less material items hold value  to me. Because, in the big picture, I’d rather have complete health than a brand new beautiful bag. If it isn’t serving you, but rather your serving it, it’s time to reconsider buying it in the first place. You work hard for the money, so make it work for you. Besides, that money truly does look better in the bank than on your  arm or feet. When life hits you with a reality slap, suddenly all those things that once were desired, tend to be put into perspective. Money is a tool, not something to be subservient to. Indeed credit cards will certainly make you a slave as well. This is an oft quoted and followed scripture-

Romans 13:8(KJV)       Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.   This is great advice for  us all, because debt can only weigh you  down. Therefore, avoid debt and you will certainly feel lighter. This applies to material goods as well, because the less you have, the less burden will be on your back Instead of immediate gratification( or short term) consider the long term and your future goals.

keep your goals in mind!


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Graffiti in the Temple


“Life is a blank canvas and you need to throw all the paint on it you can.” -Danny
If the Bible says to keep your body clean as a temple then I suppose I’m in trouble.Usually I write about more serious or inspiring subjects.However as the holidays get thrust upon us and lurch ever closer,just like recess why not have some relaxing fun!?
Over the years,whenever I had to do a historical report or speech I would choose the subject of tattooing(sometimes vegetarianism) because I found that a once taboo art form reserved for Sailors and Prisoners was interesting.Also not to mention it can be pretty if done right.

tumblr_mskeu6acQU1r5cuu2o1_500Photo:Torrie Blake on Tumblr) Her leg piece!

I fully plan to get yet another(#8) to mark the experience of nearly dying and surviving to

begin a recovery with a flowing phoenix surrounded by peach and robins egg blue flowers.What’s more, thanks to the mention from a friend I plan on earning the money for it myself doing a small humble(but paid!) job.It may take awhile but it will only make it even more meaningful.Because,I wasn’t expected to live much less work a job! If our bodies are temples then you can call me a graffiti artist.

Unknown-3Photo: art by Banksy)

In closing,dear readers don’t be afraid to express yourself! Life is too short to worry about what other people think.

Be you Be beautiful,


Hoo are you?


“Are you your looks,accomplishments,things you own,or things you have done?”

I used to attribute my value to things outside of myself.

When I told others about where I was from or lived I was often times met with reactions of being impressed.

This told me that others also identified value with things outside of  themselves.

Your not your house,your car,or  even your job.

However, you happen to be your children,your  significant other,and your friends(guilty by association!) all these people are reflections of you and also express a portion of your  soul(mind+emotions+thoughts)   were more than just a physical body(despite science class explanations…) but we also have a spirit.I realized one day that each of my friends served a valuable purpose in my life and reflected part of my personality  as well.I’m not just where I live or what I do.I am at  the very core a spirit and so are you.We each posses a spirit that drives us in the direction of its characteristics.

What I have found is that indomitable human spirit that  continues moving forward despite circumstances.

Contrary to anything physical that other people can see,we have an entire world  happening internally.

It’s in this world where our thoughts,ideas,and emotions originate.

Things flow from the internal to the external and not the other way around.

Therefore nothing outside of yourself can define you.

You set your own limits as well as  how far you will go.

We can all go as far as we want to!

I find that idea fun& exciting.There is no reason to give yourself a glass ceiling.

Moreover where your motivation originates can also dictate the outcome.

If the motivation is material odds are you won’t go terribly far. On the contrary if your motivation is of the immaterial chances are those ceilings won’t exist for you.

The greatest actions I have seen usually come from a place of love.

When you have only  yourself to gain and nothing to lose.There is no telling where you can go.Finally  try to forget the pre-conceived notions of what makes us successful and valuable and instead recognize accomplishments and your spirit world. Inanimate objects will always be there, the world is full of unnecessary material items that don’t really matter.While material posessions abound, there is only one you.


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