December 2015 archive



“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person.”

-Albert Schweitzer.


We have a problem with matching our thanks to the level of the gift given. Oftentimes we  feel that We cannot fully reciprocate or convey  gratitude properly, when were given something  big(see here!)or a priceless  act of kindness.  I’ve not only received  loads of physical help, but also  the gift of a nice meal out, gifts of someone’s time, and help from kind strangers.  Among these  have been the gifts that are priceless and bear no  feasible value. It’s when someone gives a part of their life in order to make yours better, that requires an  acknowledgement  that  it seems we cannot

match. Is a  thank you card sufficient? A hug, a gift card, a favor, a nice dinner perhaps? No, none of these will do, because the best thank you is to live fully and well. The reason  this is sufficient is because when someone pours themselves into you, pour all that you can of yourself back into  your life. People help in these priceless ways because they sincerely want to see you triumph in life. My friends, family, and some strangers didn’t give  of their time and money when I was in an ICU to witness me die, but to  see me survive and thrive.  Of course, when someone gives from their heart they don’t expect or even want something in return. However, the   best and only way  I can thank them is to live well. The life that they put into me deserves to be  given a return. This return on investment can be achieved if I  put my spirit into achieving my dreams and living the life they want to see me have. Because of what they’ve given me, I will not quit, give up, or waste any of thier priceless gifts. Therefore, thank those that have given to you by living well and enjoying each day you have, because as I learned  you never know when those days could end.

work on your dreams!



earthbound alien


“Those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it.”

― Rick Warren.

You might as well stop trying to fit in now, because you were never supposed to. We  have spent so much time in our lives trying to “fit in,”  but no one was told that were not actually meant  to. The world was not to be riddled with strife, wars,  poverty ,sicknesses, and spiritual darkness were  not to have a place in it. Many times if not all, we’re our own worst enemy.  As  an example think of the disease of cancer, it has been studied and traced back to some foods(processed,GMO) and chemicals. Who created all that food and  made the chemicals(usually for profit)?   If you  guessed people(us) you are correct !   In having  self centered desires and the lust for money, people voluntarily choose to harm each other. The very act of trying  to fit in brings about   the bullying, but who’s doing it? Other people, or are we doing it to ourselves? In fact it’s better not to conform to the majority of this world, because more often then not average  is becoming the  status quo. Just as children are slowly bullied into becoming like everyone else, so are we by the world and its systems. However, there is an inherent problem in being like everyone else, not only is it boring, but it has a way of dimming  the light  we originally entered the world with. Each of us are born bright with optimism, drive, imagination, and  a lack of awareness of other people. As we grow, the ebb and flow of society slowly encourages us to join the crowd, heightens our awareness of others causing comparisons, and  works out the wild and free spirits we’re born with. If  were able to protect and retain these spirits from the world that wants to steal them we become conquerers. We overcome the petty preoccupations and can’t be bothered by what other people think. Therefore, don’t be afraid of  being  amused   and wondered like a child or hiding your quirks. Those are the very things that the  world  is jealous of and sets out to steal. Your childlike spirit is a precious gem to be protected and valued, so enjoy it and don’t be afraid to show it!

Cheers child!


Don't look back in anger.


You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.”


Why me!? Well, why not me? This is the question and answer many  give themselves, who have suffered a catastrophic event or injury. It’s undoubtedly understandable to be angry in such  bad circumstances. However, it’s not always helpful or healing. While anger can help you break out of something(depression)or help you overcome it,it  can also hold you back. Anger can anchor you in the past, or create unrest in your heart and mind. What you believe in is very powerful and  will dictate the direction in which your life  goes. Therefore, play  the right mental movies for yourself. Films that portray you as the victor, times of happiness, and  positive plot lines. These  mental movies can stir up  courage, hope, and strength  or place fear and doubt in your heart. When the movies that you play yourself are the opposite of fear and doubt, it opens the door for peace to enter your mind and heart. “A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body”(Prov. 14:30nlt). If you find yourself in a hospital bed don’t take the situation lying down. Instead,  screen films in your mental movie theatre of  improving health, happy moments, and the day of your eventual discharge. Also, when dealing with a sickness be careful not to get anchored in the past for too long. Instead, keep your thoughts positive, the movies victorious, and your eyes forward.  Your dreams can and will become a reality  with a positive, and strong attitude. Not to mention, dreams don’t have to remain in the  thought realm, dreams and life are meant  to be experienced!

cheers and onward!


New year, no fear.


“Don’t let your fear of what could happen, make nothing happen.” -unknown

   How likely  is it that  what you fear will come true?  It’s good to ask yourself these questions. Is this true? Is it  factual?  Do I know what the future holds? By asking yourself these questions, your  fear will soon  hold  little weight in your mind. Because, many of our fears have no real power and many aren’t steeped in reality. The likelihood that your fear will come true is slim to none.   In the movies that  you play in your mind are you the victim or the victor? Decide  to see yourself healthy, wealthy, and  victorious.Not to mention, you can control your fear, it doesn’t control you nor dictate your future. In 2016 we will have  365 days and 8,760 hours of time to fill as we choose, don’t let fear cause you to waste any of it! This new year signifies a fresh start  for all of us around the world. It holds new goals, new  possibilities, new opportunities, and new horizons!   Among these things, in the United States, many  set for themselves New Year’s resolutions. However,  many resolutions while they have strong beginnings eventually  taper off into the dust bin of forgotten.  So many people are pre-occupied with body image and health, they forget about  their mental health. Rather then resolve  to eat healthier, why not resolve to think healthier? Part of that is to shed the thoughts   and feelings preventing you from your full potential.   Not enough of us are told that we can set  our own limits, as well as  break them. One of the biggest  offenders is fear  and his sidekick doubt. These two combined have  paralyzed many ideas  in their  infancy as well as the people who originated them. Too often they plant the seeds of failure in your mind, that then bloom into invisible walls. It’s the fearless who  find ways over the walls and meet their dreams on the other side. What ever it is you’d like to do, or the goal that you wish to meet, you can achieve it. Choose to shed fear rather then pounds at the gym. Without the weight of it holding you down, you’ll be so light, that reaching the stars will  naturally become possible.

shoot for the moon!
