November 2015 archive

Just Kids


         “If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older.”

-Tom Stoppard

So, why did  you grow up?  As kids, we were all in a hurry to be a “grown up.” Anticipating staying up as late as we wanted and eating ice cream for breakfast. However, once we got there it turned out that eating healthy and getting regular sleep was more sensible. What happened to our freedom of choice as grown ups? Even more so, where did that childhood wonder run off to? The World played its  hand in eking out most of it from us through time. Those of us that managed to hold on to some of it, flourished in  our levels of happiness and were called “easily amused.”   The presence of an overactive imagination and silly sense of humor faded out with our dislike for taking baths. As those traits began to fade, we acquired new ones of stress and responsibility. With the age of a grown up finally reached and all the new freedoms, why did we restrict ourselves!? Did the popular opinion  to  sway towards being boring come from jealousy?  Perhaps the majority was envious of the minority who managed to retain some of that magical  childhood  spunk.  The world is far easier to navigate if you can  manage to evade the sinister stress monster or find the magic in the mundane. Both  of which are qualities we had as children that the jealous world attempted to rob us  of. How could we let this happen? Generations have come and gone having forgotten about their childhood dreams. Didn’t anyone get the memo that we’re allowed to do whatever we want now!?  While unfortunately you do have to conform to the World’s system, you don’t have to conform to its mindset. Try to find that stubborn  little kid inside and  don’t  fear the path of resistance. Most will choose the path of least resistance, which usually leads nowhere all that wonderful. We may have been  forced or in a hurry to grow up, but this is one instance where being behind  is actually beneficial.

find your *magic* and keep it!


Happy Holidays


“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”      -Dalai Lama

“ So this is Christmas and what have you done?” asks a pensive  John Lennon in his song also known as Happy Xmas(War  is Over.


With the upcoming holidays and the world on the brink of what seems like another war, this 1963 song seems eerily relevant today. Around the globe the coming of the new year is met with  holiday celebrations and the symbolism of a fresh start. Instead of looking back, consider the future rather then harbor any regrets,  and instead make up your mind to change them  as you move forward. The impending holidays also bring to the forefront of people’s minds the spirit of  altruism. While We can’t all spend our days giving 100% of ourselves to charity, We can at least vow to be a  positive influence on ourselves and others, rather then a  negative one. As humans it’s all too easy to be self centered, and our  selfishly motivated decisions can sometimes hurt others.  What many people don’t fully realize is that in helping others you actually help yourself too. Therefore in giving you’re also receiving, it’s a win-win situation! As  the new year brings with it renewed motivation for personal goals, why not with it a new vision? A vision that is geared more towards equality, peace, positivity, and altruism. The consideration We have for the good of mankind should be in the forefront more then once a year, or  only reserved for when a tragedy strikes. The  larger question that looms is  “Can  these  things be brought about  on a regular basis, rather then just by Santa Claus or  new year resolutions?” The good news is that you don’t have to wait for someone else to answer this question, because you can. Each of us has a choice everyday rather then just once a year to   pursue  dreams, set new goals, be a positive influence , and  to help others. Don’t just meet each new year with  zest and motivation but how about each new day?

Tomorrow is new   and cheers!



heart of a lion

“The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.” -unknown.

I’m not courageous it’s just that sometimes that’s your only choice. There are two types of people when the situation becomes dire, there are those that will  let the wave of bad circumstance overcome them, and  those that will choose to overcome the circumstance. Rather then hide from the world it is better to go out and meet it. Everyday you engage  with and enjoy life  is a battle won. You have to fight  many small  battles before you can win the whole thing. In facing your fears and choosing to  be seen rather then invisible you’ll find healing. Those who have made their namesake last throughout history did so by jumping into the unknown, facing their fears, and choosing to stand up when others sat  down. The best stories are when the underdog or  the “little guy,” come out on top. However, we often forget  that many of those stories are true. We love those stories, because at one point or another we’ve all been that character. When faced with a giant monster of a problem, in our fear we forget that monsters can be killed. Rather then letting the wave of doom and gloom pull you under, why not  choose to ride it onto better things instead?    You  should  dictate the situation(or illness) and not let the situation dictate you. Even when  outwardly everything seems against you, you can choose to see your way out of it. The human spirit is indomitable. Just as a talented musician plays their instrument, it does not play them. When I’ve met those with a warrior soul, they’re people that  saw a bad circumstance as a challenge, and sought to  beat it.

it’s only a challenge!

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1940s-Dance-Party-vintage-photo“Faith is the  substance of things hoped for, and the evidence  of things not seen.”

Everyday you’re  free is cause for  a celebration. We are so accustomed to  our innate abilities to roam where We’d like  and do what We want that it is completely taken for granted. Most of us  have no knowledge of what it’s like to be limited. However, when you  actually experience  being limited, freedom becomes appreciated and tangible. Many of us don’t know what it  actually feels like to be free, even though We are everyday. The first time I felt  the true rush of freedom, I just stood there soaking it in and enjoyed the moment for  as long as I could.  For what has  seemed like an eternity, I have not been alone or free to roam where I please.  As it turns out  there is nothing to fear in being alone, because We aren’t and  it is refreshing to have a moment to yourself. How many times  did I wander unrestrained, and be completely unaware of what a privilege it  was?  After  enduring real limitations,  you realize the  value  of freedom and  why you need to break through those limitations. How many people place limitations on themselves that are  not only invisible but also unnecessary? When you have  complete freedom, of thought and in movement there is no reason or place for limitations. You have the freedom to travel, to choose, and to move(some do not. Choose the light over the dark,what  you feed  into is what grows. Delight in your blessings and abilites, and for God sake do not remain stagnant or still! If you asked a man who  was wheelchair bound what He wants to do most, He’d  likely tell you “run.” Therefore, run don’t walk past  any limitations and certainly don’t place any on yourself!

run, don’t walk and cheers!


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