April 2015 archive

Pick your poison.

6293413042b92f609a118362d020e099If I’m anxious and I  pinpoint where I lost my peace, that will usually expose the lie I believed. -Bill Johnson.

Our thought life is just as important to us as our physical world because thoughts can manifest into the physical. Throughout my recovery it has been  essential to  think as positive as possible(or sometimes not at all) I found that what I read,listened to,and believed in had a big affect on how I felt. I now avoid or simply don’t do the things that have proven to be toxic and bring me down. Many times I’ve had to block out the bad things people have said in order to continue with a hopeful and determined spirit. Whatever brings you down or dashes your hope is usually a lie. Sometimes you have to put on “earmuffs,” and continue on with what you know to be true. I’ve found that you simply have to ignore the snakes in your apple tree because they only serve to bring you down. There are many forms a snake can take. It could be your Doctor, a stranger,an article that focuses on the negative,internet forums(strangers) or  even a coworker.  I have learned the hard way to avoid using Google too much  or  especially any internet forums! As it turns out both will either  give you false information or seriously bring you down. The solution?  Simply immerse  yourself in what is light and steer clear of any darkness. My recovery has been a fight for my life in many ways so I choose to avoid what could bring me down. As  a general observation it seems the majority of the population will take from you(in the physical or spiritual) so stick by those that know how to give and lift you up. As I think We all know, life is  just too short to let someone(or something) steal your precious time with  doubt,worry,fear,or grudges. Going through life without  encountering these things is nearly impossible. However, it is possible to choose to not  let it effect  you. As it turns out when dealing with these things, getting angry actually helps. At some point when your sick of these things trying to bring you down, it’s time to fight back. Thwart those thoughts, keep good company, and by all means don’t” Google it.”

      http://lmgtfy.com/?q=the+power+of+words  Oddly enough not everything that has power is physical, your words can pack a punch too. Speak  with words what you want to bring into existence. Were creative beings, therefore our words create our realities. This gives validity to the  belief that speaking to your plants will help them grow. We are just as organic and words can help us grow as well.  Rather then spitting poison darts  at others or even yourself, watch what you say, think,and take in from others because just as  these can build you up, they can also tear you down. We all need to learn how to speak life into ourselves, and each other. Because a positive force propels you upward not downward.   



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Do   your circumstances limit you? Not only can your circumstances limit you physically, but sometimes also mentally. I had a worrisome thought recently that perhaps my circumstances had begun to limit me mentally.(free your mind here!)This I think is worse then being limited physically(although neither is  desirable)because We operate best when were dreaming. I have always been a dreamer and a schemer, which normally gave way to accomplishments in reality. I  had a moment of the “f word,”(fear)when I thought for a moment(i.e a day) that because my circumstances had limited me my thoughts were also becoming limited. I have seen perfectly capable people limit themselves solely in their thought  lives. Our thought life is just as important as our  physical health, because our thoughts  determine our realities. Often my dreams have given way to real life successes. For anyone to mentally limit themselves or not be told  about our limitless possibilities  is a scary thing.  It wasn’t until I spoke to a longtime  friend that my fears were quelled. She pointed out that I haven’t let my circumstances limit me. I felt quite limited and hopeless because of my circumstances at times. However, as time  has passed I’ve  learned how powerful your thoughts are in relation to your reality. If  a nagging little voice tells you that you can’t, it’s best to  reply  “I  CAN.” Because more then  likely that’s the truth. Once I made  it  a conscious  effort to negate these limiting thoughts, a door opened where I once found it to be closed. At that point I  did what I could do,  to accomplish what I wanted. Even if it seemed small or insigificant.  This has resulted in signing up for a 5k(when I can’t totally run) and raising  money online to accomplish a daydream. Neither of these things were presented to me as possible. In fact they were deemed to be impossible. If your not the rebellious type just once do something just because people(and sometimes yourself)  tell you that you can’t. Without throwing all caution  to the wind, once you accomplish said “impossible,” feat you’ll  realize just how fun  it is. If you like having fun(I’m guessing you do) this may send you headlong into doing all sorts of things your not supposed to be doing. In time, after you’ve gone against this little voice and the naysayers   you may just find your life has changed.

Cheers& no fears!


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F is for Fear


I  realize I have not been completely honest with you dear reader. In my definition of strength, I thought it meant you had to remain a pillar toughing it out on your own remaining  positive. While I am quite hopeful and idealistic, no man is an island. On the surface   the water is calm. However, drop a  rock of fear in and the ripples of doubt and worry unfurl into a large splash.   If I let one little pebble of fear in they quickly accumulate into a boulder.  Since I began reading this book(look!) my definition of strength is changing. Because, in the act of going it alone and not asking I’ve essentially left people out rather then let them in. The truth is when this tragedy occurred to me I had a lot to lose)and since  I awoke in a Hospital rehab it has been a small step away from spiraling into a black hole. I’ve gotten quite good at shutting my  thoughts off. If one little pebble of fear does eke it’s way in it’s a slippery slope. Therefore,  you have to find things to keep looking forward to. All of a sudden a  mall trip actually becomes a lifesaver(I don’t even like malls) the key is distraction. Besides distraction it becomes imperative to surround yourself with positivity and keep it near. Not only is positivity a must, but so are  good people. One of the strongest forces in this universe is  love and  during difficult times you can’t get enough of it. If you truly love people enough they will give you everything. In other words it’s not about material belongings or gifts but human connection. All of us are asking, “Do  you see me?”   As most of us know already(I hope) material goods are of little use or value if your not happy and healthy. I found myself so detached from consumerism( quite a change for me!) that my Mother had to tell me to quit giving things away. When  the winds of life pushed me  onto a different path I seriously began to question the need for anything but the essentials. When I was in my early twenties, I scrawled this quote in black sharpie(of course) on my wall “ The best thing to do with the best things in life is to give them away.”-unknown. If I remove a picture on my wall it’s still there and  how funny  it is that this message  from the past to my future self still holds true, take that Back to the Future! If  something I have can bring happiness to someone else, I can’t give it to them fast enough. It has boiled down to, rather then a new sweater I’d rather make someone happy. Life is for sharing not accumulating things. It reminds me of the junk troll in The Labyrinth.db7f7a4a00977dcda52e880fb060daf3

She roamed David Bowie’s  magical kingdom with  a  heavy load on Her back. Rather then  making the  load more weight bearing, I’m attempting to  get rid of mine. I want to breathe lightly and clear. It’s  the air filling our lungs that keeps us alive. More burdens steal your breath. Whether it’s meditation, church, or remaining idealistic and positive that helps you breathe, whatever lightens the load for you  keep playing that hand.

 I leave you with a lovely tune,

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmRDM7GyJXE&w=420&h=315%5D

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