My Blogcademy Chicago Scholarship Entry



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What  do people and the general public know about blogs?

-Very little.

What do people know about the type of person who blogs?


-Even less.

A beauty queen?  A troublemaker?A nerd? A sports aficionado? An oddball?

It’s a veritable blogger Breakfast Club!



In my experience few   people know  of the great things  that can be done by simply  putting your fingers to keyboard keys

It also doesn’t hurt   to have a great imagination  and creative flair (not flare)

It may appear to be a mindless diary or  just have a good design aesthetic…

It’s anything but!

As  Women We have enough beauty magazines to tell us what to buy,how to look,or how to be better…

Instead We need a positive forum to  connect,network,and show that were pretty inside and out!


It may be a  “Man’s World” but  why don’t  We make that a Woman‘s  world?

with pink combat boots and all!


Why I think  I should win: 

I  was actually all set to attend Blogcademy   NYC but 2 weeks before at the age of 28(I’m now 30)I suffered a  massive stroke and  besides serious Hospitalization I missed out on quite  a few things,too many to bear…. -BUT- after being motivated to   create this essay/scrapbook for  a scholarship to the class it helped to really motivate my creative gears to begin moving again after being in a long depressive slump.

I believe the  blog “phenomenon” could help many others and the reason I entered to win this,this time around is because due to mounting medical bills,it’s the only way I can afford to go….

Thank you for your time,and good luck to all entries! I hope to see you all soon








2 Comments on My Blogcademy Chicago Scholarship Entry

  1. Ms.Quality
    April 25, 2014 at 2:13 pm (10 years ago)

    Love this!! So awesome! Check me out!

    • Leah
      October 25, 2014 at 7:44 pm (10 years ago)

      For sure,thank you!